Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Mission 2012 - So whats the plan?

So Im leaving on the 30th of December and Im back on the 6th of February...but what am I actually going to do for all that time? Im glad you asked!

With a little over a week till I will be at Melbourne Airport boarding my plane for 中国...Im in the process of ensuring that my plans are organised enough to ensure Im not stranded in the middle of nowhere...but at the same time making sure that Im not too organised that it doesn't allow for the spontaneous to take place!

As Im flying with China flight will transit in Guangzhou for barely enough time to catch my breath before I flown up to Beijing where I will be meeting up with the team. But before meeting the team on the 3rd of January, the other three girls from Bridge and myself will be taking a short trip over to Tianjin to sample the food on offer and rest up before we make the trek to Sanmenxia.

On the 3rd of January the plan is to meet with the other member of the team back in Beijing before retiring for an early night...the reason for the night being...we have a 5am flight the following morning to get us over to Shanxi province which is just across from Sanmenxia. On arrival in Yuncheng we will then bus it over to Sanmenxia which is apparently a 2 hour ride through the mountains...although if my previous China bus experiences are anything to go by...2 hours can quickly turn into 10 hours or more!

We arrive in Sanmenxia...and this is where we will be for the next two and a half weeks. I assure you that there will be plenty of blog updates during this time!

At the completion of our time in Sanmenxia, we bus it back to Yuncheng then its back to Beijing for one night before as a team we go our separate ways! This will of course be an emotional time...after spending the time together in develop relationships with each person...bonds that wont be forgotten.

From here we fly up to Harbin! Now for those who have never heard of Harbin...this is a city in the far north east of China...which means during Winter the temperature is around -25 t-shirts probably wont be a good option! Three days and two nights in Harbin and then down to Nanjing I go where I will be spending Chinese New Year!! Im actually really excited to spend Chinese New Year in China...the celebrations and of course the food will be amazing to witness, experience and devour! =)

I truly believe that this trip to China is going to be a big step for me. While I had the opportunity to go to China before...this trip will make for an awesome start to 2012!

Mission 2012 - Back to Sanmenxia

Okay...i havent been posting on "my" blog, but I havent been totally absent from blogging altogether...I have just been blogging on the all important Sanmenxia 2012 blog! This blog has been created to track our progress in the lead up to the trip and also the events of the trip.

But I dont want you to think that I wont be blogging anymore on I move into mission mode...I will blogging more and more especially while we are in China...although I will most likely be posting the same entries on here and on the other blog when its "mission trip" related and just here when its more personal related.

So an overview of what we are doing...the plan is to go back to Sanmenxia, which is the same city that I travelled to last year in April. I will be spending two and a half weeks with the beautiful kids in the welfare center there. For those who have read my blog previously, I will be seeing some of the kids that I spent time with previously and of course I will be seeing many new ones. Unfortunately some of the children that had a profound impact on me during my time in China last year have left us to be with the Lord...but I know that they are in a better place.

It is truly an awesome opportunity to go to China again for this mission trip. The chance to do this is not a right...its a blessing from God. Just as what happened last year, I know that the kids are going to have just as big an impact on me as we will have on them.

All up I will be in China for one month and one week...travelling to an array of cities both before and after the mission trip. This is actually my third adventure to China and while I have already visitied a large number of cities...there are still many places that I havent had the opportunity to visit and this trip I will getting to see some more places that I have wanted to see.

I just want to say thank to you to all my friends who have supported me in the lead up to the trip and also throughout the year 2011. It was definitely not an easy year...and I know I wouldnt have made it through without the support of many people...and each and everyone of you, I want you to know how grateful I am and how important you are to me. Its during the tough times that your true friends really rise to the top and this year has shown that more than ever. While its sad to see some friends only serves to emphasise how wonderful those people who are still by my side truly are!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Getting my act into gear

Okay...we are all busy...thats a fact. But lately I have been allowing myself to become increasing unorganised to the point where Im losing sight of whats most important! Im forgetting things, Im doing things poorly and basically missing out on things that I want to be part of.

Tonight I was fortunate enough to be invited to an event where I got to hear the founder of ICC speak. Basically he is in Australia for a short trip, and as part of that trip, this event was organised to give people who have participated in ICC ventures or have a heart for mission in China, to gather together and discuss the awesome things that ICC is doing.

I have to admit that lately, I havent been as focused on the trip as I really should be. I have been consumed with a lot of things...good and bad. But above all...I havent been dedicating enough time to this trip. Im well aware of how vital it is to have my body, mind and heart prepared for God to work and utilise me as I venture into China. Going as part of an amazing group, I have the opportunity to make an even bigger difference. But none of this is going to happen on its own...its going to take dedication and effort!

Listening to David Gotts speak tonight, I felt myself get a kick into gear! There is only just over two months till I head off to I have to get moving!! No more allowing myself to be distracted with things that are not important!

But how do I discern what is and isnt important? Easy...I just need to ask myself...Is this important to Christ? Simple really....

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Will we see a big finish?

Last year it was around this time that everything was going great! I felt that every area of my life was going well and I was headed to a fantastic finish to a wonderful year. What could go wrong? All I could think about was how well things would turn out.

Then things started to fall apart. You could say "the wheels suddenly fell off". All those things that I was riding home, all those elements that were bringing me joy, they all started to head in the opposite direction. What was I doing wrong? What mistakes was I making? Why did I deserve all this?

In the end...2010 really didnt end well for me. Ultimately it meant that I started 2011 in a really low state. I held little hope for the year ahead, I didnt have much confidence in my ability to get back on my feet...basically I had lost all hope.

Fast forward to the end of September and looking back I can see there have been a lot of ups and downs these past 9 months. Even more exciting is what is in store for the remaining 3 months. I honestly believe that God has everything under long as we submit to Him and live according to His will. It is when we live as He intended that we live in the fullness of His blessings...even if we dont realise it or acknowledge it!

Im not going to just ride out the remainder of the year and hope for the best...Im going to get cracking and do my very best with the remaining time I have in this year.

I thank God for each and everyday...I pray that you open up doors of opportunity and bring countless instances across my path where I can serve you and demonstrate your love in this work.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

How far will you go?

There are going to be times in life where we believe we can count on someone, we believe they will be tere to help us, to assist us...but when that time actually arrives...that person is no where to be seen.

The reality is...we may believe we are people who want to help others, support them in their times of need, assist them when they are in trouble...its a lot harder to put those words into action. But we need to understand that God has called us to be people who bring people to Him. And even more important to understand is the fact that its not going to be easy! But each of us have a calling on our lives to make a difference in the lives of those we encounter! But how far are you willing to go?

The fact is...if we are obedient to God's calling...there will be people in heaven because we have made a difference in their life. Sometimes the smallest thing we do can have the biggest impact on another...thats why I believe we should never downplay a single moment in our life...we should never neglect a single moment with someone...we should never take for granted a second we have to share with someone!

But sometimes we will feel simple in comparison to some of those people in church with such great faith! I guess you can liken it to when I go to the gym. After coming out of the changing room and as I walk into the workout area...I see many guys working out with massive muscles! As intimidating as they are to be working out around...I know I have a purpose to be there...and so I get on with my workout...even if I am only bench pressing 1/10 of the weight they are lifting! Of course now my guns are huge and Im bench pressing as much as anyone...just joking =P

But we must not allow ourselves to feel threatened by those we percieve as having a greater faith. God has a calling on each and everyones life and we must not fall into the trap of comparing with others. Jesus speaks of this in Matthew 17:20
He replied, "Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."
Your faith in Jesus to do the miraculous will open up the opportunity for God to move and do the miraculous! This is something important that we must come to understand....the fact that the atmosphere that we create opens or closes the door for Jesus to be able to work his magic! It comes down to our expectations, we must be people who demand that Jesus comes & speaks to us!

But as with everything, in every crowd, in every group...there are different levels of faith. It is with these different levels of faith that come different levels of rewards. We need to realise that no matter what we do, Jesus knows our core intentions, the motives behind our actions. He knows where you are right now. While this may sound a little concerning, it should be something that you feel comfort from. God knows where you are at right now emotionally, He knows what you are going through, what you are feeling, what you are struggling with. So when the assaults, accusations and criticisms come from others, as long as you are doing what God has called you to do, following His word, you need not concern yourself with what others say...God knows your heart!

So what are the different levels of faith? Well they could be broken up more finely, but lets discuss three key levels...

Critical Religious Faith
These are the kind of people who have enough faith to get to the meeting, but not enough faith to understand the meeting. These kind of people followed Jesus around...but they were the first to criticise what Jesus said when they felt it was against their own beliefs. This is evident in Mark 2:6-7 -
Now some teachers of the law were sitting there, thinking to themselves, “Why does this fellow talk like that? He’s blaspheming! Who can forgive sins but God alone?”
These people only focus on the negative. Actually to be more accurate...they bring in their negative attitude to the meeting. They dont have a heart to celebrate, they are just looking for things to complain about. The reality is the things we focus on will grow in our minds!

One piece of scripture that is relevant for these people is from Psalm 101:6 which says:
My eyes will be on the faithful in the land,that they may dwell with me; the one whose walk is blameless will minister to me.
We must be people who that at anytime, any place and anything, we are celebrating the good things!

Curious & Needy
These are people who are desperate to be in God's presence and God truly loves these people! Psalm 42:1 highlights this attitude:
As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God
It is so important that we do not allow ourselves to stop being people hungry for the word of God. There are going to be times in life where everything appears to be going along smoothly, no major troubles are coming against us...and its in these times we begin to fall into the "auto-pilot" mode. We must counteract this and when we feel we are falling into this place, ask God for a fresh revelation that the people we encounter daily have a hunger for God...they just have not recognised it yet! Behind every person we meet each day, there is a story...there is a need...a hunger...for God! Are we quenching the thirst that these people have?

These people are like the four men in Mark 2 who bring their paralyzed friend to Jesus. They didn't focus on the obstacles...they only saw the goal! Their goal was to bring their friend to see Jesus work a miracle. They weren't going to see any miracle by giving up at the first hurdle they faced. In order to be like these people, we must understand the following key points:

  • We need to be seeking God before we come to the meeting
  • We must not allow ourselves to be subject to the circumstance, we must create the circumstance
  • We must come with an expectation
They had a dream and they expected God to fulfil it. Looking at your own you have a heavenly dream that God has placed on your heart? It is when we start dreaming that we start doing!

Its my prayer that you will begin to see situations differently, in a different light. You will recognise the urgency in bringing our unsaved loved ones to Christ. Because if we bring them...God will touch them. 

We must rise up and do what God has called us to do. 

We must rise up and believe God will do what we expect Him to do

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see
(Hebrews 11:1)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Just doing what we can

Its closing in on 9pm and Im sitting alone in the desserted office. Everyone else has long gone home to their wife, husband, kids, boyfriend, girlfriend...loved ones. Even the cleaners have done their job and have gone. But I still sit there the office...working away...but for what? To meet the deadline for a client that actually couldn't care less if you gave up your social life completely for their project just so it came on the impossible deadline they set?

This is a common story for me...and while my boss can count himself lucky that I dont have a loved one to go home to...I do begin to wonder why I bother doing this. But when I begin to question my motives, I remember that there is one who is always with me and sees everything I do. Our heavenly father never leaves our matter how the circumstances look around us, He is always there. The odds may be stacked up against us, our friends may have long desserted us, you may feel that you do not have the strength to achieve a solution...but no matter how things look around you...God will always be there.

People will let you down, disappoint you, disappear at the vital moment, forget you...but God will never let you down. He sees all you do, He sees the state of your heart, the fears that are consuming you and the desires that you are crying out for!

I try to do my best in all that I do. I know some people will disagree with this...they will say that I have let them down, disappointed them, hurt them...but I honestly try my best. But the fact is...Im not perfect. I will make mistakes, I will fall short, I will not meet peoples needs 100%. This isn't an excuse...its just a simple fact. But the reality is...Im not meant to do it all...Im will never be 100%... perfection is out of my reach....but our heavenly father will meet all our needs, He will never disappoint and He is perfect!

Psalm 18:30 says it this way:
As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the LORD is flawless. He is a shield for all who take refuge in him.
Psalm 34:8 says the following:
Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him
Hebrews 4:16 encourages us with these words:
Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

Isaiah 41:10 states that:
So do not fear, for I am with you;    do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you;    I will uphold you with my righteous right hand

The purpose of these scriptures is to underline my points...that God is a perfect God who never leaves us and will always be for us in times of trouble. His love is everlasting, His grace is sufficient, His power is undefeated.

While Im here...I will continue to do what I can...but I know at the end of the day I can do nothing except by the power and grace of our God in heaven. I will make mistakes...but He will lift me up. My strength will falter...but He will empower me. I will grow weary...but He will give me rest. We are so blessed to have a God who loves us so much. He made each of us exactly for this one is here by mistake. I pray you never forget this and close with one piece of scripture that I hold onto throughout any trial I face...

The LORD is with me; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?
(Psalm 118:6)

Monday, June 13, 2011

The definition of selfless

I just got back from taking my darling dog for a walk. Now while you probably dont think much of that in itself...bear in mind the temperature outside is approximately 8 degrees if not lower. While I was walking, I started to joke with myself about how I was such a good guy to my dog...forgoing my tv watching to take her for a walk which as with most dogs is their single most favorite thing!

But what is the true definition of a selfless act? Is it taking a dog for a walk in freezing conditions? Is it taking your girlfriend to watch a movie of her selection? Is it dining a restaurant with your partner, one which is their favorite and your most disliked? Is it giving up the opportunity to watch the footy so you can take your loved one to watch the ballet instead?

All these acts are very caring, very loving, very nice...but they all fail to compare to one of the most selfless acts known to man...that being Jesus dying on the cross for our sins. Jesus took it upon himself to bear the weight of all of our sins and his crucifixion won a victory for us all. By His blood, we are forgiven. By His pain, we are saved. By His life we are able to come into a relationship with our heavenly Father.

One of the most popular verses of the Bible is John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life
For God so loved us that He gave His only son. His one and only son was given up so that we could come into God's presence blameless and free of sin. God loves us so much that in order for us not to perish, He gave up His only son. No matter how you look at truly represents a selfless act of love for us.

Jesus loves us so very much. He didn't only love us that single day He died for us on the He loves us each and everyday. I know myself that there are days that I get caught up in the weight of the world...I spend less time in His presence and more time in the presence of things in this world. But what we must never forget, never downplay and never under appreciate is how much Jesus loves us.

"“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you." John 15:12

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Is there something missing?

In Acts 19 we see Paul performing great miracles in the name of Christ Jesus, but none more powerful that where he placed hands on the men and they were baptized in the Holy Spirit. One of the really interesting things here is that Paul came out and asked them the question "Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?" What exactly prompted Paul to ask this question? He must have identified that there was something missing in these men. Despite the fact that they believed, there was something that they didnt have.

Have you ever left home on a trip, but in the back of your mind you have that nagging feeling that you have forgotten something, that you are missing something. Despite the fact that you believe we have packed everything we need...we cant shake the thought in the back of our mind that there is something we are lacking. There are times in life where we believe that we have it all planned out, we have all the right ingredients...but at the same time we feel something is missing.

The Holy Spirit is one that can be easily neglected...we think of it as an additional extra...but we fail to realise that we are designed to run on the power of the Spirit! Just like you can have a fancy car with all the additional extras...unless you fill that car with petrol...its not going anywhere! We must come to the point where we realise that trying to live without the Spirit is impossible.

By the Spirit, we have an assurance that we are saved, we can walk confidently knowing we are guided on the path that God has set before our feet. It is when we being to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit that we genuinely feel the sense of overpowering joy. This is mentioned in Rom 15:13 -
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit
It is highlighting the point that we will overflow when we are driven by the power of the Holy Spirit. When Jesus was preparing to depart, the disciples were quite upset, but Jesus reassured them by telling them that he was to leave His spirit with them.

The power of the Holy Spirit is an amazing gift in our lives. In my life alone...there are times when I am praying to God where my vocabulary just isnt enough...where I am not able to coherently express how much I am grateful to God and how much I love Him. But the power of the Holy Spirit allows us to go beyond our constraints and praise Him at a higher level, as we read in 1 Corinthians 14:2-4 -
For anyone who speaks in a tongue does not speak to people but to God. Indeed, no one understands them; they utter mysteries by the Spirit. But the one who prophesies speaks to people for their strengthening, encouraging and comfort. Anyone who speaks in a tongue edifies themselves, but the one who prophesies edifies the church. 
 I think this is a topic that needs to be continued on...but I want to finish up by just reiterating how important it is to live our lives by the Holy Spirit. We can give our lives to God, we can join a Cell Group, we can being Serving...we can tick all the boxes, but unless you allow yourself to be baptized by the Holy Spirit, unless you allow the Holy Spirit to dwell within you and guide you in will be doing things the hard way. Galatians 5:18-23 speaks of the fact that we are empowered to replace ungodly habits with godly fruit such as love, patience, and self-control! But most of all...the Holy Spirit is a constant reminder of how much we are loved, that God would send the Holy Spirit to be with us constantly and strengthening us in times of need.

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. (Acts 1:8)

Monday, May 30, 2011

The start of something big...

Well last week the big announcement was made at Connect Group. For anyone who spent 2 seconds thinking about it would have known that it was of course that we were multiplying. We have been meeting as a group of approximately 30 people for a few months now and it was becoming an increasingly pressing issue that we needed to multiply. In the state we were in, it just wasnt feasible to provide the necessary support to the entire group, people were not confident sharing and it was increasingly turning into a weekly social gathering, rather than the opportunity to come together as a small group and feed on the word of God, encouraging each other as we do it.

Of course with the multiplication of a group, a new leader was required. I am excited to say that I have been given the amazing responsibility of leading the new connect group. Truly I am excited about what God has in store for us and it is my prayer that God will use me as his vessel to bring about awesome things for the group and most of all the kingdom of God.

When I really think about it...I never saw myself as a Connect Group leader. I was always content attending, being involved in the discussion, sometimes leading the word...but for the most part just being part of the group. To be honest...I am not the most confident of public speakers...but this is an area I really feel that God is working on developing within me.

I fully appreciate that this commitment is no small task. It will require me to be much more diligent with my time, my priorities need to be kept in order...but most of all I must continually check my order to ensure that throughout this journey my intentions are all for God, that I never forget that I cannot do this by my own strength alone and that what I am working towards is for Gods glory and not my own.

I felt this was highlighted while I was reading 1 Samuel recently. Here we see Saul given the position of ruler of Israel, but he does not follow Gods calling, he does not work for Gods glory, but instead he seeks his own glory and follows his own way. Ultimately the blessings of God are taken from him, for he was disobedient and selfish in his desires. He did not seek God first, he did not follow the callings God had placed on him and most of all God was not the center of his heart! This is not the path I want to fall down...for in all things I do, I want to seek the glory of God and celebrate what we have the opportunity to do.

So as I take on this opportunity, I ask that you pray for me, that I would be a wise leader and sensitive to the needs of the group. I feel very grateful that I have been asked to lead the new group and I do not take this responsibility lightly. But I know its going to be great!!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

How far back can you go?

Some people have amazing memories, they can remember the most tiny detail about an event which happened many many years ago. On the other hand, there are those kind of people who wouldnt remember your name unless you have known them for a few years. I guess I would be more inclined to place myself in first category, although there are times where I slide close to the second category as well.

I always like to reminisce about my earliest memory - it was the day my sister was born. That makes me two years old (and 8 months). I was staying at my grandparents house, we were up early as was there way. It was a bright morning, I remember sitting in the kitchen and the sun was shining onto the dinner table. As I sat there, the phone rang and I distinctly remember looking up at the clock on the wall.

But more generally speaking...I guess we only really remember those things that are important to us. I mean how many people who you are not overly fond of, would you remember their Birthdays? Or how much information do you remember from those long and boring classes on History from High School?

So I guess when someone does remember you, something about you, something that is important to really highlights the fact that you most mean something to them. Unfortunately remembering someones Birthday isnt so significant anymore...with things like Facebook giving us endless reminders of whose Birthday it is today. But there are things that we do which really highlight who is and isnt important to us....and one of the biggest things we can do is prayer. To remember someone in prayer, to ask God to help someone in their time of need is one of most powerful, actually it is the most powerful thing you can do for someone else. Just look at the letters written by Paul in the New Testament, how many times does he ask the churches to keep him in their prayers!

So I guess my point at the end of all this is to never forget how significant the power of prayer is, in particular when you are asking God to take care of someone who is important to you.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Someone who made a difference


Im not sure if you even read my blog, but I just wanted to say to you...thank you for making a difference in my life. You shared many ups and many downs, but throughout them all you were always by my side...supporting me...assisting me. I could always count on you, no matter what I faced.

You taught me so much. When I reflect back, on how I was before you and how I was after you, I realised how much I grew during the time we spent together. You taught me so much, despite you limited experiences. You are much wiser than your years, you are more intelligent that people give you credit for.

I wish there was someway that I could fully express how grateful I am for what you did for me, the time you spent with me, the times you came to my rescue...but I know that there is no way I could express how much I honestly appreciate you.

I know at times...a lot of times...I took you for granted...and for that Im sorry. But now I realise how much you taught me and how much you made me smile. Small things to you...they are all significant things to me.

Sometimes I wish I could go back in time and change some...if not all....the things I did wrong. But that time is past. All I can do now is pray that you are happy...and you will be happy in the future.

You are an inspirational person. You are compassionate and caring. You are amazing.

Thank you.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Just like living in paradise

When someone mentions paradise, I guess most people would imagine long sandy beaches, beautiful sunshine, lazing around and spending time with someone. But for someone like me who is burnt by the sun when its raining, the idea of sunshine and beaches is not ideal.

But what exactly do I picture paradise to be like?

I guess the first answer would be to say...Heaven! But since we cannot even begin to explain how amazing heaven must be...then I will have to go back to my perfect place.

I would have to say paradise is a place where the following things are in place:
  • No need to work - nothing would beat just lazing around, hanging out with friends and hitting the gym as much as I like
  • Weather would be a standard 20-25 degrees each day - this is my ideal temperature, not too hot and not too cold...just right
  • All my friends and family are in the same place - I have too many friends overseas...and in my paradise they are all living here with me =)
  • Footy is on everyday of the week - doesnt have to be Carlton, just has to be footy...the greatest game in the world!
To be honest though...its hard to truly sum up paradise for me. There are so many places I have been that are beautiful and amazing. But the one thing that always makes every place even more wonderful is the people I am there with. So I guess that means paradise for me is a place where my friends and family are close to me.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Tracks to keep me going

I love music and I almost always have my headphones in listening to tracks, whether it be on my iPod, iPhone, Mac or pumping from the stereo in the car! So what then would be the five songs I would have with me on a desert island and why?

My first reaction to this question was...the answer would change as time goes by. So my answer is based on my current situation. But how to pick those songs out? Well my first idea was to check out what are the top 5 tracks played on itunes currently...and they are the following:

1. Dead End Friends - Them Crooked Vultures
2. Showbiz - Muse
3. In Your World - Muse
4. Mind Eraser, No Chaser - Them Crooked Vultures
5. This Is Our God - Hillsong

Interesting actually...although this is more a result of me just turning on itunes when im at work and letting the tracks play.

So back to the list...well here we go in no particular order:

Hosanna - Hillsong United
This is a beautiful song...yeah I know...not what you expect from me with my first selection. But its truly wonderful. With such powerful lyrics such as "Show me how to love like you have loved me...Break my heart from what breaks yours" its one song I really enjoy worshiping God to and thats something I definitely need.

Misfit Love - Queens of the Stone Age
Since my recent love for QOTSA started, this is one song that has stood out and I particularly enjoy listening to it while at the gym due to the fast beat. Also the way the song mixes it up towards the end is a delight to listen to!

New Born - Muse
Muse have so man awesome songs to pick from...but this is just one that I cant go past. From the slow build up in the start with the piano hammering away to the pace of the chorus...this song has seen me through countless workouts and is one I just do not tire of!

Gave Up - Nine Inch Nails
This was a tossup between "Gave Up" and "Wish", but since this song is longer...I have opted for this since I need as much music as possible! The quick drum loop that the song starts with is a good build up to the chorus where it is guitar centric with high pitched vocals! This is the song I usually use to get myself over the line after a big session or a massive run!

The Stand - Hillsong United
If stranded, I would definitely need two worship songs and this is another beautiful song to praise the Lord to. It starts slowly with soft vocals and builds up strongly to the chorus. The chorus is wonderful, as it proclaims "So I'll stand...With arms high and heart abandoned...In awe of the One who gave it all".

So there you have it, the five songs I would take if I was on a desert island...a mix of worship song with fast paced rock!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Something that inspires you

There are times where people will remark that Im quite self-motivated, quite structured in the way I lead my life...which is quite evident by the fact that my routine today is almost identical to what it was 12 months ago and 12 months before that it consists of Work, Church, Gym and Football!

But behind that motivation, what is it that inspires me to do what I do? What gives me that feeling to push further, beyond the boundaries that I feel are currently in place around my life?

Is it watching TBird run around the park in the Carlton guernsey (no not the Bullants one), taking big grabs and then slamming home a nice goal...nah not really.

Is it observing some of the more solid fellas in the gym, pressing 100kg+, curling a bar which is fully loaded and strutting around the gym like they are God's gift to the world....probably not either

Or is it tuning in to a great speaker belt out a spectacular speech, listening to the words the use to get the crowd passionate about a specific cause...I would have to say no to this one too.

I think one thing that really inspires me is...watching normal people achieve spectacular outcomes. I love to hear my friends share stories with me where they have been successful despite difficult circumstances, where they have come through with the goods despite all the signs saying that they would fail.

It might seem simple...but I feel a sense of joy hearing their story. I enjoy being around people who are passionate about a cause or situation and will put all their efforts and energies into that to achieve a desired outcome. And a lot of the time, their passion, their dedication, their desire to succeed no matter what...these expressions are infectious and will have me pushing the boundaries in no time!

But of course if all else fails to inspire...looking at TBird's smiling face on the badge pinned to my scarf can also do that job =P

Monday, May 16, 2011

Guilty Pleasures

I think we all have some form of guilty pleasures that we indulge in at various times, whether it be a big block of chocolate when we are down or snuggling up to watch a romantic comedy on a cold winters night. Recently I was thinking what would I say my guilty pleasure is...and I guess it comes back to food!

There is one cafe down in North Melbourne which isnt much to look at from the outside...but they sure can put together some amazing food!! In particular Im quite partial to the pancakes and the french toast.

Usually when I'm feeling like I want to indulge a little and I want a bit of quiet time alone, sometimes after a particularly tough gym session, I will head down there and order myself a strong latte and the pancakes, grab the paper or a book and just allow the afternoon to drift by!

Now you may be thinking to yourself "where is this awesome place in North Melbourne?" Well as much as I would love to tell you...if I did it would be even busier there than it currently that part Im going to be keeping a secret...unless of course you are nice to me and I might allow you to accompany me down there one weekend =)

Friday, May 13, 2011

What do you see?

Ill address the fact that I have been MIA some other time. I just wanted to share something that was on my heart tonight as I was driving home. Actually its something that I have been dealing with quite a lot in recent times.

On Monday night I was at the football to see Carlton take on the Saints. At the game, the excitement was amazing...the intensity was extreme...especially in the dying minutes where the Saints fought back to take the lead, before Andrew Walker marked and goaled to win the game for the Blues by 3 points! I was literally shaking as Walkers goal slice through...and when the final siren went 90 seconds later...I was on my feet cheering like you wouldnt believe. By the time I left the stadium, my voice was gone...but I was on a huge high! Carlton had won against a team who has played in the last 2 grand finals, they are one loss after seven rounds and have a solid position in the top four.

But as I drove home from the game, listening to talk back radio discuss the game, I was surprised to hear how many Carlton supporters were ringing up to complain about the performance of the Carlton players during the game. Now im not saying there isnt room for improvement, there were a huge number of skill errors throughout the game...but the fact is in the end Carlton won despite being totally out on their feet! There I was...super excited and thrilled with the win...and there other fans were...not happy about the game because we should have won by more. Two groups, one situation, two different views.

Last month I completed the Run for the Kids. Around the 6km mark, a woman darted in front of me, slowed down, causing me to jump out of the way and subsequently I rolled my ankle. Now the run was about 14km...I was barely halfway and I was really concerned I would have to pull out there and then. But I just pushed on, hoping the pain would go away. It luckily did and I was able to finish the run, although once I stopped at the end and headed home, the pain in my ankle was extreme! Now at the end of the run, I could have just focused on my injury and the woman that was the cause. Or I could celebrate the fact I was able to finish the run sucessfully. 

The point im trying to make is, no matter what your situation is, there is always two ways you can look at it...and the way you see the situation will ultimately dictate how you carry yourself going forward. We must never neglect the awesome things that God has done and is doing in our lives. If we are only focused on what we dont have and what we feel hasnt gone right, we are missing out on so much more, so many great things that God is doing!

Just because something doesnt arrive today, doesnt mean that it wont arrive tomorrow. Just because God doesnt answer your prayer today, doesnt mean he isnt listening and working in your life! God hears every word we speak, every word we pray. So in all things we should rejoice in knowing that God continues to work for those who love Him.

So I just pray that you will be encouraged to take this line next time you feel yourself beginning to focus on the negatives of your situation. When things begin to take the tougher road, just give thanks to God knowing He is by your side and will ultimately lead you to bigger and better things if you continue to follow Him!

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 
(1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)

Monday, March 21, 2011

What are you called to do?

As I prepare for this weeks cell group, I though I would revisit what was discussed at church last weekend. I find the topic that was spoken on being one which is practical to revisit at times. The topic in question is that of finding God's calling upon your life. It is said time and time again, but none of us have been put on this Earth for no reason. We all have a purpose, a reason for being here, goals that are set before us. But sometimes we may feel that we are unable to reach those goals, or that we are not equipped appropriately to face the battles that we are confronted with. But there is good news for anyone who is struggling with this...

Two years ago marked the final season of Brendan Fevola at Carlton. This guy was a freak when it came to kicking goals...whether he was 60m out on the boundary or laying on the ground with one leg free...he had an uncanny skill for finding the goals. He had an amazing set shot...and when he was switched on...he would excite the Blues faithful! But ultimately he got himself into trouble, gambling and alcohol were problems for him, and in the end he was sacked from the Blues. He had amazing talent...but he wasted it.

We are all blessed by God with natural and spiritual gifts. Just like no two people are the same, no two people are blessed with exactly the same gifts. But God doesnt give us these gifts for no reason, as with all things God does...there is a purpose. But beyond giving us these gifts for a purpose, God enjoys watching us discover and experience the gifts we receive. But unless we are moving in the the direction God is calling us, we are not able to make a difference around us with the gifts that we are blessed with.

Some people may ask the question what gifts have I been given or what is my purpose. I guess to answer these questions, you must look at 4 more important questions first.
  1. What am I good at?
  2. What am I passionate about?
  3. What do I enjoy?
  4. What is it that I am doing now with the gifts that God has given me?
 The final question cannot be answered until the first 3 have been answered first. It is then that you will start to see what God has given you, where your heart lies and what are your strengths and weaknesses.

In Matthew 25:14-28 we hear the parable of the talents. This is a perfect analogy for this topic of discussion. Here were three men given different talents, and we see how they used them differently based on different factors. Basically you can summarise it by saying that the attitude affected what they did and their concept of the master affected their attitude.

We need to acknowledge that there is no reason to be afraid of making mistakes with our heavenly father, for none of us are perfect and we are all bound to fall at times during our journey. For as mentioned earlier, God enjoys watching us discover our gifts, learn how to use them effectively and ultimately enjoy our talents. So how do we learn to use our gifts and talents that we receive from God?

Firstly we must accept responsibility for what God has placed in our lives. God has not called us to be survivors or live with a survival mentality. We are called to live bold and empowered lives, we are to rise up and spread the blessings of God. But if we just kick back and play it safe, how can any of that be achieved? We will not grow and ultimately we will be breaking the heart of God. You can liken it to if you were to give your best friend a gift, and they took that gift...looked at it...and then just put it to the side...neglected it...and never got to experience the joy that it could have brought their life.

In the parable, we see the wise servants had a sense of urgency, they wanted to bring profit to their master immediately. This is the same approach that God calls us to possess and this attitude brings joy and excitement to God's heart. But God doesnt select the people who appear to be the best choice, God enjoys taking the people that others deem hopeless and have given up on, and using these people for great things. Throughout the Bible there are examples of ordinary people doing extraordinary things through his power and grace.

A year and a half ago, I injured my shoulder. At first I was unsure what was the problem, but when I was in the gym I seriously struggled to do almost any exercise. An issue with one part caused the whole body to suffer. You could say that one part of my body was not functioning to its potential. This is same in God's family, the body of Christ. If one of us doesnt function to our potential, the whole body suffers. This is highlighted in 1 Corinthians 12:20-23 where we read there are many parts, but one body. We are to work together for the glory of God.

We need to continually position ourselves where we can gain wisdom and encouragement from one another. This is shown in 2 Timothy 1, where Paul writes to Timothy to remind him that he is being prayed for. He encourages Timothy to use his great gifts to the full potential. This is the same message for you and I today...dont live under the radar. Rise up and put the gifts to work for God's glory. Start exercising those gifts that you have been given, for we need to possess the passion to use our gifts!

It is when we say yes and put our gifts to work that we have the opportunity for our talents to make a bigger difference and shine more and more.

For it is our willingness that releases our ability to fulfill the calling of God on our lives!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Hearing from God

Over the past few months I have had to exercise discernment a great deal as the enemy has assaulted my mind. I have been bombarded with words such as "you are hopeless", "you are a failure", "you cant do anything right" and so on. Just like a wolf hunting a flock of sheep, he will wait till they are at their vulnerable time before attacking...this is the same as the devil. He will wait till we are at our low points and then unleash on us. Its in these moments we need to stand tall and not listen to the verbal bombardment, but rather focus on hearing from God. But how do we know that we are hearing from God? How do we know His voice when it comes to us?

A quick question for those who know me and have been reading my blog for a period of time...if someone else was to suddenly start posting on my blog without mentioning they fact it was a different person....would you know that it wasn't me writing the blog anymore? I think most people would agree that they would know that the writer was no longer me as they will no my style, my tone, my approach to topics, my value and most of all where my heart is.

This is exactly the same position we need to be in with God. We need to be able to distinguish which is God's voice. In today's society we are bombarded with so many messages as we go about our lives, how do we know which is the voice of God. Sometimes God tries to call us but we are too busy or distracted to answer...we ignore the call with the mindset that we will deal with it later.

I really like the story in 1 Samuel 3 where it speaks of when the Lord calls Samuel. We read that the Lord is calling Samuel, but he continues to think that it is in fact Eli calling him. It isnt till Eli explains to him that it is actually the Lord calling him that he responds to God and allows Him to explain what He has in store for Samuel.

We must realise that through the Holy Spirit we can hear the word of God speaking to us today! Even right now! For we are not just believers but we are followers of Jesus and to be a follower you must actually know the voice of who it is you are following! John 10:27 in the Amplified bible states the following:
The sheep that are My own hear and are listening to My voice; and I know them, and they follow Me.
This is what Jesus is saying, He is telling us that His people know his voice, He knows who they are and they will follow Him! We are distinguished by knowing His voice and in order to know His voice we must hear it regularly.

So how do hear from God? How do we know His voice?

Position yourself to receive
We need to put ourselves in a position to receive from God. This is not an occasional thing, something we do when its convenient or we have a problem. We need to constantly be in his presence and in a position where we can hear His voice clearest. This means forgoing certain things of this world, prioritizing and spending more time in prayer and reading your Bible.

Practice helps
Like all things in life, practice helps. We don't get where we want to get to if we don't put in the effort. This means praying daily, reading the Bible daily...and doing this continually. It is through these things, that we are practicing hearing His voice. This will mean we are able to hear His voice more clearly and this will allow us to react more quickly when we are called to do something for God.

We need to hit the "Pause" button sometimes
God is usually heard in the still small voice. If our lives are full of distractions and constantly packed with activities, how are we going to hear the voice of God speaking to us? This is why its so important to pause and listen for God's voice. In 1 Kings 19:11-12 we read about where the Lord appears before Elijah. The following is written:
The LORD said, “Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the LORD, for the LORD is about to pass by.”
   Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the LORD, but the LORD was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper. 
The Lord wasn't part of the big loud elements. Rather He was simply the gentle whisper. God doesn't always want to speak to us in the huge things. Although when we can hear Him in the simple things, it makes it easier to hear Him in the bigger things.

I believe that we make ourselves so busy in this life, we are always trying to do more and more. But it is in all this that we are taking away our attention on God and ultimately not hearing what He has to say to us. God calls us more than we probably realise, so we need look at what are the distractions in our life that preventing you from hearing God's voice? We need to tune into His voice again!

Be still, and know that I am God!
      I will be honored by every nation.
      I will be honored throughout the world.
(Psalm 46:10)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Dont let it drag on

I dont believe that I'm a strongly opinionated person generally. I have always been one to listen to others thoughts and consider them, even when they are in direct contrast with what I believe. But there are a few topics where suddenly something fires up inside of me and no matter what others say. Relationships and related topics in one such area...although based on my track record Im not too sure I should be too opinionated in this area.

One such topic that has come quite a lot recently is the thought that in a relationship, be it between husband and wife or boyfriend and girlfriend, the guy should be the one who is ultimately more understanding and show more compassion when things get heated. By default men are more logical and women are more emotional, and there is nothing wrong with that for that is just the way God has made us. But this can lead to issue when two are attempting to resolve a conflict and if this is not factored in, things will only get worse.

When the trouble hits, even when the guy may believe he is right, I think that it is the mans responsibility to put his pride aside to compromise and comfort his darling. This isnt a sign of weakness, but rather a sign of love for his woman. Too many times people will fight, both people will think they are right so they will not back down or make a compromise for the other person and in the end they will walk away resenting the other person.

This exact situation happened to a friend of mine at the start of the long weekend. His wife did something incorrectly, it lead to a fight where neither would give way and in the end they walked away from each other in anger, refusing to back down and ultimately not talking to each other. This went on for the whole long weekend....and into the next week! Come Tuesday...and Wednesday...they had still not spoken to each other! Now I have to say...both the husband and wife are fantastic people...happy, funny, caring and wonderful people...and as a couple I believe they are an awesome match. But here neither was willing to back down so they had basically wasted a week of their life being upset with one another.

As my friend updated me on the non-progress...I implored him to approach his wife and say sorry, tell her that he loved her. Initially he was against the idea because he felt he was right and she should say sorry. This is where I believe they man needs to show the compassion that the woman deserves, humble himself and remember that this is the woman he loves. So as I chipped away at suggestions as to ways to approach his wife and end this horrible situation, he finally decided on Thursday afternoon he was going to head home that evening with a treat for his wife...a peace offering I guess you could say.

And it worked. Come Friday things were back to normal. They were happy again. But the problem is they had wasted so much time being angry with each other, they had missed the whole long weekend where they could have enjoyed the time together.

I guess it just takes understanding and some patience, we must not allow arguments to draw out like this. Actually this is stated in the Ephesians 4:26 where it says:
Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry
Im not saying that we should pretend everything is okay and ignore the issues, for in the end I told my friend that he still needs to talk about the problem that started it all. While its one thing to be the calm person in the heat of the argument, when both parties have cooled down, its important to discuss the problem. For you do not want issues being swept under the rug and allowing them to build up inside you. But I believe that the man should make the first step to calm things down. This isn't a sign of weakness, but rather a sign of love!

In the end, we are here for such a short time. We need to enjoy life, not let fights and arguments get the better of us. Especially in a relationship, you should enjoy the time you have together...for this is the person you love. Make the most of every day and don't allow yourself to go to bed angry with unresolved issues.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

God's Angels

This post is going to sound really soppy...but I really want to highlight something that was in my mind...which is how grateful I am for those people who God has surrounded me with. There are specific people...some of which read my blog and others who dont...who have been such an encouragement to me! When I have been met by trials, they have always been there with me...they have walked with me as I have gone through the tough times...they have laughed with me during the happy times.

I guess you can call these people God's Angels. I really want to say how grateful I am to each and everyone of you! I guess it was all summed up tonight when I received one particular message and as I read it I couldn't help but think how blessed I am to have this person as my good friend! To this person the message would have been a trivial thing...but to me it really made a difference.

This is something that we should reflect on at times. I know that personally I can get so wrapped up in the problem, that I forget to acknowledge the people that God has placed around me through these times. It is quite often discussed how God will never allow us to go through a trial without all the elements we need and this is highlighted with the people we have in our life.

So to wrap up...I want to thank you guys. Your care, your words of encouragement, simply your time is all appreciated greatly and I am so happy to have such wonderful friends such as you!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Reflecting on where to go

What haven't I achieved in my life yet, that I sincerely want to achieve before my days finish up?

I guess sometime we reflect on our lives, where we are at, what we have achieved to date and what are the things we are still striving for?

I guess right now reflecting on these questions for myself it highlights the things that are important in my life and the things that have priority in my life.

I guess one of the biggest achievements in my life was to serve on a mission trip. It may sound insignificant, but being given the opportunity to go to China and bless those children along side a group of amazing people was an unforgettable opportunity and an experience which will stay with me forever. That's not to say I would not go again...I sincerely want to do it again in Gods timing, but that is one event in my life so far that I'm glad I completed.

On a smaller scale, but just as significant is serving in Kid's Alive. Again God has given me an amazing opportunity to serve Him in such powerful surroundings. I praise God for giving this chance and again my passion for this area of service only continues to grow.

But looking more at those things that I am still yet to achieve, I guess there are really four things that standout...and while they may seem silly or trivial...I guess it just reflects what I find significant.

Establish a legacy in my serving of God
What I mean by that is, when I am finished serving in my current capacity, I pray that I have left some form of legacy for others to follow. I'm not talking about revolutionising the church or something like that, I'm simple saying that when I have finished my time I pray that I have made a difference, a difference as God has called me to.

Marry the right woman
One day when that woman walks into my life...or maybe she is already in my life...I'm going to take care of her...forever. I guess this is the promise of everyman when he finds that woman. I wont bore you with the details...but to sum it up...I would be her man and protect her, care for her, nurture her and love her. And when she reaches the end...I want her to be able to say she was happy she married me.

Start a family
I'm not putting a number to how many kids I plan to have, but at some point after I'm married I want to start a family. I want to be the loving father that God has called me to be. I want to model myself on the perfect example of what a parent should be...our heavenly father. That's not saying that my parents were bad...but just we have the perfect example of how we should be as parents when we look at God.


Watch the current Carlton side win a Grand Final
Its been a while coming...but as we move closer to that specular day...the anticipation builds more and more! To be able to sit there in the crowd after riding out the lows of the past 10 years will be just spectacular. The feeling of being there just cannot be matched.

I guess the last one sounds a bit silly...but I guess its just one of my passions. But one side note...while I pursue these...I pray that God continually checks my heart and that I don't make a move without it being confirmed by God as part of His plan for my life. I pray that my heart is in line with God's heart and that my desires match up with His.

The point of this post...I guess I could basically use this as a checklist...a few years down the track...I can look back and see how many of these I have been able to tick off and how far away I am with the other ones...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What do you really want?

We all have dreams when we are children, whether it be to become a great sporting hero or to be a daring Police man or even an adventurous space explorer. Whatever it was that you dreamt of in days gone by, a lot of us find that as time goes by, those dreams get left behind. We take the easy path, we take the path that the world expects us to walk. We stop focusing on what we really want and we start focusing on what the world wants.

When you think about it, this is really sad because there are many times that God will place a dream in our hearts, he will put a desire inside of us to pursue a course that we may think by our own understanding is impossible. But this is the exciting part...God has given us a dream...He hasnt given us the map to our destination, He hasnt told us each obstacle that will come before us...He has given us a dream and its our adventure to reach the destination.

But this is where some people will drift away from their dreams...because they think its too hard and they dont see the path to reach the destination.

I guess you could say that God is asking us "what do you want?" and "what is your desire?". We must not allow ourselves to get caught up in the question of "how"...because this is something we are to leave up to God. By asking "how", we are basically saying we have little to no faith in our Heavenly Father. For we all know that nothing is impossible for Him, so why do we question how we are going to reach our dreams, when in the scheme of things, they are tiny!

So today I pray that you look deep into your heart, ask yourself what is it that you desire? What is your passion? What is the dream that God has placed inside of you? Once you have remembered what the dream is...go out there and fight for it! Dont ask the world what it wants...but rather show the world the person you are!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Cutting off the communication

I used to be with Optus for my mobile provider. One thing that always annoyed me about them was the fact that whenever I was at the football, I would get no reception whatsoever! Something to do with the fact that there was a lot of people in one place meant that Optus' network just couldnt cope! So basically for the 3 hours I was at the game, I was uncontactable. It was like the communication had been cut off

This is very similar to a something that we must commonly battle with as Christians also. How many times have you been praying, only to have your attention taken away, on to what you will eat for dinner, what you will do tomorrow or what to watch on TV later? How many times have you been reading your Bible, only to find your mind thinking about your work deadlines?

When we are praying, when we are immersed in Gods word...basically whenever we are in communication with God...the enemy wants to distract you, he wants to draw your attention away, he wants to cut of the communication!

But its up to us to take authority over these situations, for the devil will attack us at the most crucial moment. It says in 1 Peter 5:8 -
Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.
The devil know us well and that means he knows when we are at our most vulnerable moments. That is why its imperative that we are on the ball and awake to his attacks!

So next time you are spending time with God and you feel the devils attack on your mind, submit entirely to God and and rebuke the devil, for he has no power over you when have the spirit of God with you!

Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. (James 4:7)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Are you a judge?

Tonight my friend told me a sad story about her parents. She spoke about how her father was abusive towards her mother, how he would hit her and become horribly angry with her over such trivial things. This is all despite the mother treating the father very well in almost every way. This ultimately leads my friend to blaming herself for the trouble, and since she is not in the same country as her parents, she is unable to be there for her mum physically.

Now I may not know the whole picture to this story, but when I heard all this and more, I felt both mad and upset. I felt mad because a man should never physically hurt a woman, a husband should love and appreciate his wife. I felt sad because there is nothing I can do to help this woman, there is basically nothing I can say. But above all else, I began having angry thoughts towards this man.

At this point I felt myself reminded of what we are taught in the gospel. As it says in Luke 6:37 -
“Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.
We should never take on the responsibility of judging others for their actions. While I would never treat a woman in this way, most of all my wife...I do understand that Im in no position to cast judgement on Him. For that is entirely up to God...not me!

That doesnt mean I dont care about this womans trial...but rather than cast blame on this man, I will pray for her, I will pray for him. But most of all...I wont cast judgement.For I have my own flaws to deal with, and if I want to analyse should be my own faults, not others.

So I finish with this final piece of scripture which I like to refer to in these situations:

“Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye. (Matthew 7:1-5)

Friday, March 4, 2011

Am I performing at my best?

Last night after I finished work and gym and dinner...I decided that it was a perfect night to go for a run. As the Run for the Kids get closer...I need to be pushing myself harder and harder in order to post a good effort on the day. So just after 10pm I hit the pavement for what was supposed to be a solid run. Not being as cold as the other night, I felt i should extend my run a bit more, taking my path a bit futher out and around the neighbourhood. But fairly early I realised that I wasnt as energetic as I was the other night I ran. My pace was not as good and I didnt have the same buzz as my previous effort. After getting home I looked at my stats and my time was definitely off the mark, which although was frustrating...made me wonder what was the cause.

Of course it didnt take long to reaslise that the massive work combined with the total lack of sleep I have been getting topped with hitting the gym on a daily basis would no doubt contribute to my lack of performance. But it got me much better could I really perform if I was at 100%? How much better would I perform at the gym if I had a good nights sleep? How much better would I perform at work if I wasnt up till midnight reading documents and the likes?

I guess in the next week  I really need to get some solid healthy...and see if makes a difference...because if I throw out another performance like I did last night when I get to the start line next month...its going to be a very disappointing day!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Back on the road again

Tonight I went for my first run in two weeks...yeah I know it sounds like I have been slacking...but its actually been due to two reason...the first week I didnt run because I was down with a horrible cough and fever...the second week I didnt run because of course I was in Singapore. But now with about 46 days left till my Run for the Kids effort in April. So despite the fact its amazingly cold...that was one poor effort Summer...I threw on my shorts and one of the new singlets I bought while shopping in Singapore last week...and I hit the road again....

(actually this is a shot of the running shoes I have been using for the past year and half....really good quality running shoes!)

In the past I would usually take the time Im out there running as a chance to clear my head, reflect on the goings on of the day...or just ponder someone that is stuck in my head. There was another period where I actually used my running time to memorise Bible strange as it actually worked quite well.

But be honest...I have been thinking about absolutely nothing. I get out there on the track...pump up my playlist of the day on my iPod...and just run. There will be moments where my mind will wake up...but its usually for nothing more than to decide if I feel energized enough to take the long route today.

The funny thing is...Im really hitting some good times out I averaged just under 14km/hour for my 6km effort. Maybe its because Im not allowing myself to be distracted....rather all my energy is going into getting myself through the run. All my focus is going directly into pushing myself to the limits.

But it makes me wonder at the same I just pushing myself hard to keep myself occupied? To keep my mind distracted?

Whatever it is...if I can keep this effort up until the run...and I can post a decent time as part of the run...I will be pretty impressed with the efforts and I will use it as a springboard into my preparation for the real event this year....the Melbourne Marathon!!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

One week in Singapore

Im back from Singapore! What a went by in the blink of an eye. But it was a lot of fun and despite it only being 1 week...I have come away with lots of great memories =)

So as a bit of a run down...took off Monday afternoon for Singapore. Work had booked me on the Qantas flight which turned out to be one of the new A380 planes. Upon boarding, we were told it was very new...only 2 weeks old to be exact! But luckily it was a very smooth and enjoyable flight...despite a few glitches with the entertainment system. I was seated next to a middle age Singaporean lady...who really loved a chat...and luckily for me...the person on her other side slept the entire I got her life story. But as most people who know me are aware...I am always making new friends on flights...and this was no different. It was as we were landing in Singapore, she asked me if I would like her email so we could keep in could I refuse =)

Arriving in Singapore on schedule, I was met by a good friend I met on my mission trip in China last year. It was really great seeing her again after so long. It was then off to my hotel to check-in and get some rest before my first day at Google.

Now for those unaware, my company is Google partner...which basically means we work with Google on mapping related projects. As more and more businesses utilise online mapping services, this partnership is getting stronger and stronger. So anyway...I was there to be trained up on utilising and developing with one of their new product suites.

First impression of the Google offices...very laid back and relaxed. Everyone was very friendly...which I feel is a result of the culture that Google promotes. Also the unlimited snacks and drinks was very welcoming...especially since I'm a big fan of Asian snacks =) My company could really learn a thing or ten from Google!

Each night was basically an opportunity to meet up with friends and get to see the night life and sights of Singapore =) Special note goes to the buffet at the Shangri-la much food! But most of all it was great to catch up with people who I havent seen for quite some time...Im truly blessed to have such awesome friends! Thanks everyone for being so welcoming and accommodating!

Managed to do a good slab of shopping over the week, which resulted in a range of new additions to the wardrobe =)

But before I knew it, the time was 5pm on Saturday night and it was time to head to Changi airport and make the trek back home. Another relatively smooth flight back to Melbourne and it was all over...back to normal tomorrow.

It was a fun and interesting week. I learned a lot at Google and it was really great working with some of their top Software Engineers from the US and Asia. Got the opportunity to try some delicious foods in Singapore and most of to spend time with some great friends =)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Another year flashes by...

Well today I turned 28...actually stating that in my opening sentence actually goes against what I have been trying to achieve, being to keep it as low key as possible. I didnt plan anything major, just a few gatherings with friends and family over the weekend. Last night I had the amazing opportunity to eat at Vlados with some awesome company. Basically a restaurant suited to those who could do steak for breakfast lunch and dinner...this place has photos of cows as decorations on the walls! While some people may find this a little threatening...cows watching you while you eat them...I took a different way and found myself daydreaming over which of the assortment of cows on the wall looks most delicious =) The night was rounded out with some delicious birthday cheesecake back at my friends place. A really fun night out!

Today I was out and about, lunch with friends and dinner with family, gym in between....but on a whole...a relatively quiet weekend...just the way I like it...and the way I probably need it. The reason for that being...I have been incredibly sick this week. Starting as just a throat cough early turned in to a serious fever which had me bed-ridden for 3 days. For me to take 3 days off work suggests something is not quite right. Probably the most disappointing part of it...well apart from missing gym for the whole week...was the fact that I was so unwell I couldnt even enjoy those 3 days at home...I was in bed...full stop. Any attempt to sit up and watch a bit of TV was met with throbbing head pain and non-stop it was usually back to bed quite quickly. Luckily I am almost over that...although the cough is persisting...hopefully a day or two more is all it needs.

The other reason I opted for a quiet weekend was due to the fact that tomorrow afternoon Im flying out to Singapore for work. I will be there for a week attending a Google training course which comes from being partners with them. So while the main reason for the trip is work...I will be making the most of my time there and hitting the town every night to try the various foods and shopping up before coming back! All of this I will definitely post some information about in the coming weeks.

So as I look back over the past was a pretty awesome year. So much occurred that I never thought was possible. So much took place that I never thought I could achieve. But in the end...Im truly grateful for the doors that God has opened up before me over the past 12 months.

Here's to another 12 months of awesome times!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Got a plan?

I dont know if its a good or bad trait...but I always like to ensure I have a plan. I always like to make sure everything is organised. Whether it be from ensuring I have a reservation when going out for dinner (even on a quiet night...) to my trips overseas where I will have almost everyday planned out to the most minute detail...I dont like doing things without a plan.

In my opinion though, this has its good and bad does ensure that we will get to do what we want to do...but at the same time it does eliminate the opportunity to be spontaneous. But at the end of the day, I think its a good thing.

But beyond that, I think when you plan something for someone else...this really demonstrates how much that person means to you. For example, when I went to Canada...the plans for my trip were mostly taken care of...and this was something that I appreciate a huge amount. Or if you were to plan something special for someones Birthday/Special do this because that person is important to you...and you want to show them they are important to you.

At this stage you might be saying "what is your point!". Well dont fret...I have a point. This morning when I was praying, a thought came to mind. I trust God has a plan for my life, I believe God has a plan for my life. But when you really think about it...the big picture...God has created a plan for your life! But he hasnt just created a plan for one day...or one week...or even one month. He has created a plan for your entire life. From the moment you entered this world through to the day you pass away...God has path He has set before....and that path is amazing! You need only look at the men in the Bible who followed Gods purpose and plan in their lives and you will see absolutely phenomenal things happen! My favorite example again is Joseph. He followed the Lord...even when the goings got tough. He continued to follow the Lord...even when the goings got even tougher! And in the end he was given it all!

You might wonder why bad things happen along the journey...I feel there are generally two reasons for this and it all depends on how is your relationship with God....

1) You are following God, if you are feeding on His word and you heart, your passions are in line with His. When you are living a life pleasing to God, you will still hit obstacles, you will still come up against trials...just as we see with Joseph. But in the end when you look at the big will see those trials were stepping stones on the path to the finish line. They werent there to make you give up...they were there to help you grow and develop.

2) You are away from are just living your life the way you want. Its in this situation that you are not living the way God intended. You might believe you are doing good things....but the problem is you are not following the path God mapped out before you. And its in this situation that we will hit trials...but these are trials that God didnt intend for us.

Just a note on not following the path God set out...this doesnt mean that God is a control freak who wants you to do exactly as He says. Its totally different from this. God loves you...and He has a perfect plan for you. But you have the choice whether to follow it or not. So just like if you create  plan for someone you care about...if they choose to ignore that plan...things wont work out as expected.

So I think the big thing for me is...putting this all in just shows how important each of us are to God. Despite there being close to 7 billion people in the world...God has mapped out our lives individually. Its in that we see just how much God loves each and everyone of us. So no matter how you feel or what you are going through...always remember that God loves you and he has path for you to follow in your life.

For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.   (Jeremiah 29:11)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

More than we can cope

Reading my daily Bible devotional tonight, the Bible scripture was from Numbers 11:11 where it has Moses cry out the following -
He asked the LORD, “Why have you brought this trouble on your servant? What have I done to displease you that you put the burden of all these people on me?
Was Moses a bad man? Had he done something to make God angry? From reading this story, we know that Moses had done as God had asked. But why then was he facing trials?
I wanted to share my thoughts on this devotional and this piece of scripture because I think its a common through process. We face trouble, we begin to feel its beyond what we can handle, what we can cope...and our natural response to all this is to ask God "what have I done to warrant this?"

Personally this has been something that I have asked a lot recently and the answer that comes to mind time and time again is that its part of the process, its preparation for what is to come. God doesnt do anything for the fun of it...He wont put us through hard situations because He likes to see us unhappy.

So I just pray that you will push on and trust God's plan for your life. God is with you and no matter what you face, our Lord will find a means for you to make it through!

Monday, February 7, 2011

You Can Change!

Today I made a mess of a perfect opportunity! Its like I was a runner in the 4x100 meter relay...Im was the last leg of the team had set me up for an easy run home! But just as I go to grab the baton from runner number 3...I drop it...and the race is lost. Thats how I felt today...embarrassed that I had such a golden chance in front of me...but I really stuffed it up.

For the rest of the day...I felt like a fool...hopeless...that was it for me. I struggled to keep my mind on work until it was time to go home. I felt that bad...I even skipped gym (Yeah i know that says something about how I was feeling)!! But later in the evening, as I was cleaning up, I came across a message that spoke about Gods power to change us and it got me thinking...its not all over...tomorrow is a new day and new opportunity. I guess even more broadly, the past couple months have been a challenge, I have felt restricted and bound by the past.

But there is something really awesome about living our lives for matter what our yesterday was, it does not define our tomorrow! Yesterday we may have sinned badly...we may have really messed up...but when we repent...when we stand before God and ask for His forgiveness with a sincere heart...we can step forward with courage knowing that we are no longer bound by our past mistakes.

Our God is a God of change...dynamic change! No matter what you were struggling with in the past, your future does not need to follow that path.

How often do we hear of instances where a son will make the same mistakes as the father, following in his footsteps. I for one can honestly say this has been something that has been something that I have thought about quite a bit in my life, not repeating the same mistakes that my father had made. But that is for another day. In the Bible, in 2 Kings 21 we read about Manasseh and Amon, father and son who were both kings of Judah and they both made serious mistakes during their reign. After Amon, his son Josiah reigned as King of Judah and he serves well. Here we see one instance where the mistakes were repeated (Manassh and Amon), but then you see another instance where the son didnt follow the father (Amon and Josiah).

This is not the norm though. In most circumstances you would have expected Josiah to have been just like his father and grandfather, a horrible man. But this is evidence of how when we give our lives completely over to Christ, when we allow God to take hold of our lives...we are changed completely...we are no longer bound by the mistakes of the past.

I guess you could sum up the way that God changes us in three points:

God gives us a new DNA
We need to decide to change our spiritual DNA and follow our heavenly father. We no longer follow the ways of this world, but rather we spend our time in the presence of our Lord and feed on His word daily. When we are born again we have the spirit of God dwelling within us. If we have the spirit of God living within us, we also will have the strength of God as we have a new Father. In Romans 8:14-16 we read about this and what its like to live through the Spirit -
For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God. The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship, And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.” The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children.
The awesome news the power of the Holy Spirit, we are free!

God gives us a new road map to get through life
Josiah in 2 Kings directed his people back to God and the people of the land began to prosper. This was because he was a man of God, he listened to God and lived a life pleasing to our Lord. Ultimately this is vital to us today, that we allow God to be the light in our lives, as we hear in Psalm 119:104-105 -
I gain understanding from your precepts; therefore I hate every wrong path.
Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.
The reality is in our lives we need a light to guide us.

God surrounds us with a new famil
When we give our life to Christ, we are now part of God family and that means we have a new spiritual family. When we are in church, we are surround by those who are committed and love our amazing God. This is spoken about in 1 Corinthians 12:25-26 -
so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.
 As a spiritual family, we need to be there for one another, just as we are for one another in our Earthly families.

So the really encouraging point is, despite all the we have been through, all the hurdles we have stumbled over, no matter how bad our past appears to be...we have a hope in God. For our Lord has the power to change break the chain of sin...and give us the fresh opportunity as we move forward!