Monday, January 31, 2011

Trusting God...really trusting God!

How many times do we behave in one way, actually the opposite to the way we know we should be acting? Its not necessarily always sin...but almost every time it leads to a negative result. I am guilty of this as much as the next one...and it can range from things as simple as eating unhealthy food to not listening to Gods guidance in my circumstances.

Recently this whole concept of trusting God has become really prominent for me. Almost everywhere I go and everything I do, I find myself confronted with variations of this message. With this I have been reflecting more and more on this topic...trying to apply it in my life. When I say trying, I say this because I have been doing quite badly so far.

Lately things havent been going as I planned or hoped. This doesnt relate to one thing alone, but its an accumulation of things. One thing that stands out from that last sentence is the words "as I planned or hoped". I feel these are the words that I should be focusing on...I feel these are the words that God is shining the spotlight.

As I contemplate this, I always come back to one specific piece of scripture that I have always felt quite relevant for my life, that being James 4:13-17 where it states the following:
Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.” Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.” As it is, you boast in your arrogant schemes. All such boasting is evil. If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them.
I know thats a big piece of scripture to be referring to, but it really encapsulates the message that I know in my heart...but I struggle to apply in my life. I like to have a plan, a focus, something to strive towards. But sometimes, I can get to far ahead of myself, I dont leave room for God to work in my life and ultimately my plans become exactly plans alone.

Or maybe sometimes it just simply I get impatient...I try to move things along by my own strength...but again this is another warning flag! Remember the words to the Planetshakers song "through you I can do anything, I can do all things, cos its you who gives me strength, nothing is impossible!". This is exactly the point...through God we can do anything...but when we try to do things alone, by our own strength...we ultimately mess things up. We may thing that we are on the right path, but in the end we find ourselves lost and alone. There is one verse in Proverbs that makes a point of this, in chapter 14, verse 12:
There is a way which seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.
I guess you can say its like we get a young child who races ahead of their parents...we can sometimes behave like this with God. He puts a dream in our hearts, and when we get a glimpse...we race towards it...but this is not what our Lord intends for us. He doesnt want it to just be about the destination, He wants us to experience and enjoy the journey! I emphasis the word enjoy because sometimes we miss this point. The journey is there to be enjoyed, that in no way means its going to be a stroll in the park, there will be significant hurdles along the way. But just as I enjoy working out in the gym, pushing my body past the point of pain...we must push forward with Christ. It is then that we can walk with the confidence that no matter how we feel or what we see, we are walking according to the plans of Christ.

One of my favourite men from the Bible encompasses this entirely, Joseph! He had a dream from God, a dream that was so far fetched and so distance...but he believed in what God had shown him. From there he trusted God and despite some of the most horrible circumstances, he walked forward boldly with praise for God. In the end he was triumphant and his dream came true! But think for a second if in any of his situation, had he acted according to what he thought was the right thing instead of trusting God...we can be pretty sure things wouldnt have worked out for him in the end.

Actually when we try to do things in our lives by our own strength, its like we are ignoring God or telling Him we dont trust His word. For as Jesus says to us in Matthew 6:31-34 -
So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
By pushing our own agenda, we are ignoring what God has spoken to us. This means we dont trust Him...and that is detrimental to our walk!

Therefore we must learn to surrender it all before Jesus...then we know that we are trusting God 100%. Without letting go and giving up control over our lives, we are still holding onto things, I guess you can refer to them as safety nets. We have the mentality that we believe God to an extent, but just in case He doesnt come through, then we have our own back up plan. But by holding onto that safety net, we are ultimately limiting the amazing impact God can have in our lives!

Therefore we must learn to let go of it all and just put our faith in Jesus alone. We must take that step forward into the unknown...but the awesome promise is that God will not leave us. We must just lean on Him, bring our concerns to Him and constantly be in prayer. This is summarised in Philippians 4:6-7 where we read:
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
I must not live by what I feel any longer...I must not live by what I see any longer. But instead I must surrender it all to longer live my life according to what my emotions are telling me. But instead Im just going to trust...100%...not partial trust where I still have my back up safety nets. Its going to be a challenge...but I have the power through my Lord!

Those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary. 
(Isaiah 40:31)

Monday, January 24, 2011

More than a simple wish list

As a Christian you learn pretty early on the significance of prayer. It doesnt take much to quickly realise how important it is since its how we basically communicate with our heavenly father. When we have concerns, worries or fears, we bring those before God through prayer. When we are grateful for something that has come to pass, we come to God and give Him praise.

But what about those things that we have been praying for over a long period, where we arent seeing any real does this impact upon our prayer lives? Do we continue to pray with the same passion? Or do we begin to lose the belief that the Lord is listening to our prayers? Maybe to you, its a simple prayer, but despite bringing you desire before the Lord time and time see your situation heading in the wrong direction. Its in these situations that prayer can be the most difficult, for its a real test of your faith and belief in Gods power in your life.

Recently I have really had my faith tested, my prayers have gone largely unanswered and I have felt quite lost. I have prayed earnestly for God to work in my situations, to see a breakthrough occur...but I felt that I was going no where and my prayers were falling on deaf ears. I know that sounds really bad, to say that my prayers were falling on deaf ears, and maybe thats not the best way to describe it. But to put it simply, I just couldnt understand why things were so difficult, why my prayers were not being answered.

One thing is certain all along though...I ultimately always trust that God has my best interests at heart. Its just that my emotions sometimes get the better of me...for its in this time that I need to battle how I feel and hold onto Gods promises...and continually pray.

But for people who are unfamiliar with prayer, what exactly happens when you pray? What are you actually doing when you speak one on one with God?

When you pray, you surrender your will to God
By nature we all have our own opinions and answers to the problems of the world. Whether it be when you are sitting at the football or reading the newspaper, you will formulate your ideas and opinions on what confronts you and most like verbalize them. In the Bible, we see that Jesus was no different. When He was faced with difficult circumstances, He had his own agenda and desired outcomes. This is evident when we read Luke 22:42 and hear His prayer in the garden of Gethsemane
“Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.”
Jesus prayed that the trials He was about to face would be taken from Him, that He wouldnt have to suffer the pain and humiliation of the cross. But He also prayed that the Lord's will be done first and foremost. I know that for myself, there are times in my life where I get too emotional as the result of a situation. This can ultimately mean that I dont get to see what God had in store. We have to learn to not get caught up in the minute, for we may miss the miracle! We all have desires and wants, but when we pray, we are putting the focus on what God desires, no matter how different this is from what we have in mind.

I think its fair to say that in most situations, when we pray, there is something we want to change. We are asking God to change things, whether it be providing us something we lack or taking away something we distaste. But as we see in the scripture and the resultant circumstances, nothing changed. The cross still occurred. But who wishes that this hadnt been the case? Is there anyone who would have wanted God to grant Jesus prayer, knowing what was to come?

When we pray, we want God to make a change, but its actually God that wants us to change. There will be times when you dont think you can press on in your current situation, but as we see Jesus, He also didnt think He could do it. But God was with Him along the entire journey, strengthening Him which lead to the most amazing event in the history of the world! This is highlighted in the following verse, Luke 22:43 -
An angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him.
I hope this doesnt lead you think you shouldnt pray for what is on your heart, for this is what we should be bringing before the Lord. But prayer is more than just bringing forward our wish list, we must also pray for God's purpose in our lives, for it to be made clear and that we have the strength, wisdom and ability to carry it out. We must not be downhearted when our prayers are not answered, but trust God wholeheartedly and remember that He loves us more than anything, for He sent His only son to die for us...His only son who prayed that He could be relieved of this duty. This is such an unexplainably powerful act and just begins to demonstrate God's love for us. So I encourage you to take the time to pray, for its in this time that we have a connection with our heavenly Father

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 
(Phillipians 4:6)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

What you have in your life

The other day I was sitting at the tram stop waiting for a friend. Recently I have been spending majority of my alone time listening to podcasts on my iPhone and this time was no different. I wasnt really paying attention to the goings on around me, but rather just listening intently to the words being spoken to me over the podcast. But at some point, a lady sat down next to me on the seat, followed by a handful of kids. Anyone who knows me, will know that I think children are beautiful and as I looked across at the happy kids, my attentions was drawn to the father who had just walked over...for he worked with me! Although we know each other by face, we have never spoken as we work in different areas. But I have seen him around enough to recognise him. Despite the fact the children were happily playing and calling to their father, he looked uncomfortably tense at this moment.

Why have I brought this up you may ask? Well the reason I have written this down is because on countless occasions I have seen this very many acting intimately with a woman at and around the office. Of course this other woman is much younger than his wife and they are easily at various times during the week doing things that a couple would do. Despite being married with kids he still feels the need to satisfy himself through another woman...and no doubt this is why he was looking very tense and nervous upon seeing me. Naturally, he quickly moved his family on before too long.

The really sad part is...this isnt the only man I know to be cheating on his wife in my office. Both men have kids as well. Doesnt this just break your heart to think that these men care so little about there family, about their kids, that they can just go off and satisfy their needs like this.

Some people may argue that people get bored, that this is common these days, that men need to be satisfied. Well you may believe these things, I sure dont, but the part that upsets me is the disregard for the children and also the lack of appreciation for what they have. Ultimately if things go bad, its not just their lives that will be shattered, but the lives of their wife, children and family.

As I thought about this more, this lack of appreciation for what has been given to them, my first thoughts were that when I have a family I would never imagine doing this. But I also found myself thinking more about the appreciation side of things. Needless to say if I had a family such as this, they would be the most important thing to me and I would do all I can to take care of them and ensure they are happy.

But what about the things I have now...the things that God has given me so far? Do I appreciate them? Or am I just looking at bigger and better things? I like to think that I appreciate the blessings that I have received...but I know that there are circumstances where I am not as grateful as I ought to be.

While I may feel down because I dont have the things that my heart desires...that should not mean that I dont appreciate the things that I do have today. God is truly a great God and I can see all throughout my life, instances where God has blessed me and worked miracles in my life. Lord...I am eternally grateful for all do in my life.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Finishing Strongly

2010 didn't finish the way I wanted...I have mentioned that previously. This is quite troublesome for me since I am quite pedantic when it comes to perfection. I like everything to be completed to a high standard, whether it be a project at work, or a special occasion with people I care about. I like things to be completed with a good outcome, gives you a nice aftertaste to the situation.

This desire to complete things well can have its side effects, it can lead to regret when things dont end well...but generally its a good thing to want to finish strongly! So after feeling low recently, the message that was shared at church last night was extremely timely and really spoke into my heart....isnt it just awesome how God will deliver messages to us at the exact moment we need it!

In 2 Timothy, Paul writes of the fact that he is well aware that end for him is very near. We are led to believe that Paul is at that moment in prison and knows that only God can deliver him from the circumstances. But depite the hopelessness of the situation, He doesnt fall into self-pity but rather embraces the end and is pleased that he has been able to serve the Lord and rejoices in what awaits Him. This is highlighted in the verses of 2 Tim 4:6-8 where we read -
For I am already being poured out like a drink offering, and the time for my departure is near. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing. 
I guess what starts to become clear is that its not exactly how we start the race, but rather how we finish the race which is significant. And this is relevant to the way that we finish each year or even each period or season in our lives. Jesus wants us to finish these strongly...and this includes 2011.

But then I look at the end of 2010, a year that I couldnt really say that I finished strongly. What can I do to ensure that in 2011, I finish this year strongly as Jesus intends me too? The following are some points that we need to hold onto if we intend to complete this year well:

We must stay committed to the gospel
Its fair to say that the journey we are on wont be an easy one, there will be countless challenges along the way. We actually get an insight into the trials that Paul faced in 2 Cor 11:23-28, its hard to imagine going through all these things personally...but we see Paul has always pressed on for Jesus despite the circumstances. Jail time, lashings, beaten, pelted with stones and gone without food and shelter are just a few things that Paul has encountered on his pursuit to spread the name of Jesus and finish his race strongly. We can draw inspiration from this for our own lives in order to keep going and doing whatever we can in the name of Jesus. Its my prayer that I can be transformed into an even more passionate man committed to the word of God.

We must finish what we started
I really struggle to comprehend how people can commence something and not want to see it to completion. One particular example of this was a friend I worked with in one of my previous jobs. At the time he was completing his DipEd, something that he has been working on for much longer than the standard 2 years. He kept postponing things, delaying things and coming up with excuses. In the end it basically was at the point where there was only one assessment piece left, but despite that he just didnt have the motivation or passion to get across the line.

But this also applies to smaller things, be it tasks around the house, getting fit or even simply reading a book. We must learn to finish what we started, for there is a course that has been set out before us. We have an obligation to finish what God has set out before us, there is no room for excuses or reasons as to why we cant reach the end. Another important factor is just how precious time is, we cant waste it. There is a verse in Colossians 4:17 that encapsulates the message well -
See to it that you complete the ministry you have received in the Lord
This is what we need to apply to our lives daily. We need to be people who complete the work of the Lord. So how do we exactly do that? Well here are some thoughts:
  • Finish the practical jobs around the home. 
    • Complete those things you keep putting off 
  • Complete your commitment or obedience
    • Deal with things God puts the focus upon
    • And here is my judgment about what is best for you in this matter. Last year you were the first not only to give but also to have the desire to do so. Now finish the work, so that your eager willingness to do it may be matched by your completion of it, according to your means. (2 Corinthians 8:10-11)
  • Resolution and Reconciliation
    • In Matthew 5 we see Jesus call us to be reconciled to each other
    • We must learn to come before God and lay down our issues 
Focus on the future
I am guilty recently of being so focused on what has gone by, rather than looking forward with anticipation to what the future holds. I have allowed my mind to dwell on my mistakes rather than looking to the horizon for the new opportunities that await me. We are an unfinished life! Im only 27...I still have a long way to go! Therefore we still have plenty of time in order to become more like Jesus. That is not to say we take our time and relax...for the process of refining our character in order to be more Christ like takes a lifetime!

In 1 John 3:2 we are given the following encouragement -
Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when Christ appears,we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.
We need to continually have a clear focus on the future. But again this is a lot more difficult than it sounds, just as I have experienced recently. So how do we keep our focus fixed on whats ahead?
  • Dont be distracted from what you are supposed to do
    • The devil will constantly attack us and attempt to draw our attention from doing things for the kingdom of God.
    • There are countless instances where just before serving, I experience some form of trouble, typically emotional. I then must fight to keep my emotions at bay while I serve God. I must keep my focus on the task that is before me. 
    • There are times when I have been offered new opportunities to serve Gods kingdom, but even those people closest to me have discouraged me from taking it. There are then moments where I begin to doubt whether I should pursue the opportunity, I begin to doubt whether I can actually do what I am called to do or am I just going to fail as people suggest?
    • But I draw strength from God, because I know that the only reason that the enemy is attacking me is because I am doing what God has planned for me, I am fulfilling my purpose. It is when I acknowledge this that I push on with a new found power.
  • Renew your sense of expectation
    • With any new chapter in life, you commence it with a sense of excitement and expectation for what awaits you.
    • This same thing applies when coming through trials and troubles, we must expect breakthroughs. In all areas we must have a sense of expectation!
    • I am daily renewing my expectation on the Lord to come through in the areas of my life which are most barren.
  • Prepare yourself for what God is about to do
    • One of my biggest mistakes is to be so caught up in the mistakes and missed opportunities, only focusing on them and not looking ahead. It is through this behavior that I will ultimately miss what God has prepared for me.
    • God has a plan for our lives, so despite the pain we feel now, there is a reason and a course that we are on. So we must be prepared for all it good or not so good!
    • The awesome news is...God has a plan for us to prosper!
But above all else, if God is truly a God of love, if we are an unfinished life...the best is yet to come!

Deal with disappointments
As we have seen, Paul wrote of the hard circumstances that he encountered, situations that would have discouraged most people. This is something we need to learn to deal with, for each year will bring disappointments with it and we will fear that things will repeat. But we have a confidence when we acknowledge that our Lord stands side by side with us where ever we go, as we hear Paul say in 2 Timothy 4:16-18 -
At my first defense, no one came to my support, but everyone deserted me. May it not be held against them. But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it. And I was delivered from the lion’s mouth. The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom. To him be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
This is an area where I personally need the most work, the art of dealing with disappointments. Whenever you hit that wall of disappointment, you have two choice to make: do you stay down and sulk or do you stand back up and press on despite your injuries, be it emotional or physical.

The good news is that there is a God in heaven who will empower us, who will never leave us and will ultimately see us through. Our God will never just throw us aside saying that we are a lost cause, for He is a compassionate God who wants to see us succeed!

Praise God with thankfulness
When things are not going as we expect, its easy to become ungrateful and complain. Its in this time that we begin to forget all the great things have preceded our current situation. I am guilty of this in the past, I have hit the wall of disappointment and been so focused on that event, that I have forgotten all that God has blessed me with before that situation. But knowing this fault gives me the opportunity to grow and not make the same mistake. When I hit that wall, I need to now allow myself to be dragged further down, but rather I must stand tall and praise God with a heart of thankfulness! For despite all the trials I have been through, there has never been one that has ultimately beaten me...for God has always seen me through in the end. It is just the course that I have ultimately taken is not the course that I expected or anticipated. So I praise God for all that He has done and all that He continues to do in my life.

So looking at the year ahead, its my prayer that we will finish strongly, we will complete those tasks that God has set before us for 2011 and we will be people who are filled with praise for our Father in heaven.

After writing this, after reflecting back of 2010 again, I'm beginning to feel that 2010 didn't finish that badly. Actually I feel I finished well, for I did all I was called to do. Despite the disappointments I was faced with, I still gave my best in every situation and never gave up. When you give your all, when you follow Gods heart, you can rest assured for the rest is in God's hands.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

The unattainable

There isnt a lot that Im naturally good at unfortunately. I have seen a lot of people who have picked up skills with great ease and shown they are basically a natural at a certain skill. You see it a different times, someone will attempt a new sport and automatically be able to play quite well. There are people who learn a new art, and instantly they are producing pieces of a high standard.

Now Im not saying that I am not good at anything, although I do struggle to answer that old question what is it that you are good at? I do know that if I was to ponder the question long enough, I would be able to formulate some type of answer...regardless of it shortness in nature

But rather Im highlighting the fact that in most situations, for me its a struggle to get to an acceptable level. But what is an acceptable level? I guess for me its probably quite high, since I like to put high expectations upon myself. But regardless of how high that level is, there is generally a certain amount of difficulty involved in hitting the target.

But everyone has the same problem right? Yeah that is true...

But you reach your target in the end right? Yeah that is specific situations.

There are some situations where I feel that things are just that bit too far out of reach. No matter how hard I stretch myself, what I am pursuing falls just outside of my grasp. No matter how far I push myself, I end up just short of the desire destination.

So what are we to do when we find ourselves in that position where it appears what we desire is just out of our grasp? I know that there have been times where after giving more than 100%, when I have nothing else to give...I feel like throwing in the towel. When I look at the situation, taking a step back and assessing my ability and achievement, seeing that things are basically hopeless. But in the end...I resolve not to give up...yet!

Despite how Im feeling, despite what I see before me, despite what the world throws in my face...I resolve to push on. When all hope appears lost...I will not allow myself to live according to that thought, for I have my Lord and Savior by my side at all times...and when Im with Him...there is always still a hope.

2011 will no doubt be filled with challenged...there are going to be situations where I will fall short based on my own strengths...there will be elements that appear unattainable through my earthly eyes...but im not going to live by what I feel...Im not going to live by what I see!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Through your eyes...

First post for 2011...going to make this one a bit of a mind dump based on reflecting on the past few weeks.

After writing my post of what has transpired over the past 12 months, I realised how much I had achieved, how many opportunities God had presented before me and ultimately how blessed I was! A friend who read my blog post about 2010 kept remarking to me how many great things I had the opportunity to do in the past year. He was much more excited than I was...but realistically I should be the excited one...I should be the one filled with joy and praise for all that has come my way!

Although the end of the year didn't go as well as I would have hoped, on a whole 2010 was a really great year. But why is it then that I start 2011 with such a heavy heart. I remember back in January of 2010 I had no idea of the possibilities that would present themselves in the coming 12 months! To be totally honest, I had no expectations on the year ahead, I just saw it as another year with the same events....

But even the not so great things that have occurred...are they really that bad. I know it sounds all idealistic...but for every negative there is a related positive if you take the time to look at it. Where I have made a mistake...i have learnt and and developed as a person. Where I have taken a wrong step...I now know the right path to take.  For every bad situation I found myself in...I now know how to survive through the hard times.

Also during this time God has put things in perspective as well...for no matter how I feel and how bad I think my situation is...there are other people doing it much worse. I know its cliched...but its true. While I write this, one of my friends is laying in a hospital bed where she has been since the middle of December. But on each occasion that I visit her, she gives me that big smile, she still speaks with a joy in her voice, she still enjoys making jokes and laughing with us. Despite the fact she still has no word on when she can get out of that place, she doesn't let it bring her down. So why am I so childish and allow myself to feel down over my circumstances?

So again I ask myself...why do I feel down as we commence the new year? Do I doubt that God doesnt have bigger and better things in store for me this year? Do I down play the plans God has for me? I think its just a bit of insecurity, after things were flying, things looked to be going great...a couple of hurdles brings me back to Earth. But isn't it in these situations that we grow the most? If everything I desired just fell in my lap, wouldnt it mean that I would become lazy, complacent, not put in the same efforts?

I know that there are going to be times where what I want is not what I get...I appreciate the fact that God never holds back anything good from us. I know all these things...but unfortunately these things don't stop my brain from clicking away, they don't prevent my emotions from getting the better of me at times. I just keep reminding myself of the most important aspect...the race is not over yet...Im only 27...there is still a long way to go. There was a song that I used to sing at church that had the line "I'm not going to live by what I feel..." and that is something that I have been repeating over and over lately. Disappointments, setbacks, failures...I'm not going to let these things define me, for God has never created anything that was a failure!

But on the flip-side...I don't look at 2011 and expect things from God. But rather I wait patiently in anticipation for what is to come. I guess one of the biggest fears I have is that of missing out. Missing the opportunity, not giving things my very best. That is why I must not focus on the past where I have failed, but rather look forward and be prepared for the doors that God does open before me. For if I focus on what is behind me, I will ultimately miss out on what is in front of me and that would be a greater tragedy!

I am excited about this year. I know its not going to be a walk in the park. But I know that God has a plan and a purpose for me. I will strive to be less self-focused and focus more on those around me, on the things around me. I look forward to the doors that God opens for me and the places that He leads me.