Sunday, January 16, 2011

The unattainable

There isnt a lot that Im naturally good at unfortunately. I have seen a lot of people who have picked up skills with great ease and shown they are basically a natural at a certain skill. You see it a different times, someone will attempt a new sport and automatically be able to play quite well. There are people who learn a new art, and instantly they are producing pieces of a high standard.

Now Im not saying that I am not good at anything, although I do struggle to answer that old question what is it that you are good at? I do know that if I was to ponder the question long enough, I would be able to formulate some type of answer...regardless of it shortness in nature

But rather Im highlighting the fact that in most situations, for me its a struggle to get to an acceptable level. But what is an acceptable level? I guess for me its probably quite high, since I like to put high expectations upon myself. But regardless of how high that level is, there is generally a certain amount of difficulty involved in hitting the target.

But everyone has the same problem right? Yeah that is true...

But you reach your target in the end right? Yeah that is specific situations.

There are some situations where I feel that things are just that bit too far out of reach. No matter how hard I stretch myself, what I am pursuing falls just outside of my grasp. No matter how far I push myself, I end up just short of the desire destination.

So what are we to do when we find ourselves in that position where it appears what we desire is just out of our grasp? I know that there have been times where after giving more than 100%, when I have nothing else to give...I feel like throwing in the towel. When I look at the situation, taking a step back and assessing my ability and achievement, seeing that things are basically hopeless. But in the end...I resolve not to give up...yet!

Despite how Im feeling, despite what I see before me, despite what the world throws in my face...I resolve to push on. When all hope appears lost...I will not allow myself to live according to that thought, for I have my Lord and Savior by my side at all times...and when Im with Him...there is always still a hope.

2011 will no doubt be filled with challenged...there are going to be situations where I will fall short based on my own strengths...there will be elements that appear unattainable through my earthly eyes...but im not going to live by what I feel...Im not going to live by what I see!


Lonely Girl said...

I know what you are good at... You are good at Programming... :D

Unknown said...

I think you are a wonderful writer. I enjoy your blog for the pure pleasure of reading. You are not afraid to give of yourself and that is very special.