Thursday, December 30, 2010


12 months ago I wrote a post that reflected on the year that I had experienced. Last year was eventful, but 2010 took it up to the next level! So I thought this was perfect time to reflect on the past 12 months, what I had been through, what I had enjoyed and what I had not enjoyed.

Recovering from Shoulder surgery

This year started with me being able to do very little with my right arm as it was still in the early stages of recovery from the shoulder reconstruction. It wasnt until early March that I was actually able to seriously get back into the gym...and even then it was very slow going early on. I had dropped in weight down to 80kg, compared to the solid 88kg I was prior to the operation.

While initially the operation was a cause of concern for me, looking back I can see how God can use difficult situation to help us grow. Through the recovery period...I drew close to God...I was deep in his word and subsequently I felt my faith grew from the experience. It was also a time where it was highlighted to me how wonderful people around me are. The way in which people went out of their way to show their care for me was truly amazing...and Im truly thankful to each person who was there for me during that period.

Mission Trip to China

A life changing experience that I will never forget! The people I met, the experiences I encountered, the impressions it left on me returning to Australia. Honestly...words cant express what it was truly like.

I have already spoken previously about the trip, so I wont go into too much detail, except to say that I am truly thankful to God that I was given this opportunity. I never take this for granted and if the chance to go again was to come along, I would grasp it with two hands.

The children in Sanmenxia have shown me a different perspective and I pray that God will use this experience in my life in other areas and situations.

Holiday to Canada

In August I traveled to Canada for 3 and half weeks. This included visiting Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal as well as a couple of cities in the US briefly. Again this is something I have discussed in great detail on my blog so I wont go into great details. But I will say this was an amazing trip. I have many beautiful memories that will stay with me for years to come. I again thank God for this trip, the opportunities that were presented before me and the people who shared the trip with me.

Half Marathon

I have always contemplated doing a half marathon, 2010 was the year I actually did it! It was challenging, but it was also very fulfilling. To be able to complete something as grueling as this was a good achievement and now I have my sights set on a full marathon. I will need to train properly, but I believe with God's guidance I can do it.

New Connect Group

Looking back, moving to a new connect group has probably had the biggest impact on me this year for a couple of specific reasons. The group is full of amazing people, each unique and special in their own way. I'm grateful that God has brought me to this group and I pray that the friends and bonds I have established will only grow stronger over time. I want to thank God for the people that have made a difference in my life. You know who you are...but I just want to take this chance to say that no matter what will always have a special place in my heart.

Other special events... 
  • Dining out at Vue de monde -  an amazing restaurant, an amazing experience, a wonderful night
  • Trip to Daylesford - my first trip to this small country Victoria town. Many memories I will never forget
  • Attending the Carlton Best and Fairest - my first time to attend this event and full of fun and excitement. Great to see Juddy come through with the goods after a great year! Will definitely attend again
Basically I just want to give God praise for all that has happened over the past 12 months. I thank Him for both the ups and downs, because its ultimately all part of his plan

As we move in to 2011, I think this is a good time to stop and reflect and give thanks for the past year, remembering all the blessings that God has poured out on your life.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

In the end

No scriptures warm and fuzzy happiness to celebrate.

Life is not going to turn out the way you is not fair...and its highly likely that you will make a mess of matter how hard you least if you are me.

There have been a lot of moments in my life where I have questioned God. I know we need to wait patiently on the Lord....but I dont believe that we are to be mindless drones...accepting everything that goes on around us. I believe that it is okay to question ask why.

But there are times that I question God more so....when I just dont understand why things happen the way they do. When I have prayed constantly...only to reach the end and see God turn His back on me.

God's plan, God's purpose, God's promises....I am not going to dispute them at all. I have seen God pour out His blessings on people. I have seen God's favour on peoples lives. I have seen God's plan being carried out through peoples lives.

But what I dont understand is...why is my part so challenging? What am I doing so wrong...that things end up in a mess so often?

Tonight...i pray that you will give me understanding. I dont pray for gifts in abundance, I dont pray for happy day ahead...I just pray that you will allow me to understand where I am going so all areas of my life.

Friday, December 24, 2010

So close yet so far

Lately there is more and more speculation around the future of Marc Murphy. A talented attacking midfielder, he was selected as the number one draft pick in the 2005 AFL draft. He has gone on to play 102 games and is currently sitting on 82 goals. He has been top three in the Best and Fairest for the past 3 years and has the potential to become one of the elite midfielders of the competition. But his current contract will expire at the end of the 2011 season and thats where the concern lays...if he doesnt sign a new contract in the near future...he will potentially be stolen by the new Sydney team which is to join the competition in 2012.

While the financial side of the deal would be very appealing to a 23 year old, there is the other factors that he will need to weigh up. Things like the friends he has made in Melbourne and the team he is part of, the team that has the potential to be very successful over the next few seasons. After being part of the side that finished bottom of the ladder, being part of the side that has risen to the top 8 and played finals in the last two years...why would you jump ship now? After going through the hard times, why would you give up now?

This is very similar to life in general though. We will face trials in life, we will begin to work through those trials...but before we reach the finish line, we give up and fail to reap the rewards of our hard work. The reasons we give up may vary, but basically it comes down to the fact that the situation we face is just too hard...too difficult to work through.

But why is it too hard? We know God is constantly with us as it says in Joshua 1:9 -
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.
So despite being told not to be afraid or discouraged, why do we come to a place where we feel our only option is to give up?

I believe is because we try to do it on our own, by our own strength, using our own understanding. But we have a loving Father that wants to be part of our life. He wants to see us grow, to see us develop into Godly men and women.

But we cannot grow without facing some tests, tests of our faith in God. It speaks of this in Isaiah 48:10 -
Behold, I have refined you, but not as silver; I have tested you in the furnace of affliction.
God tells us that He wishes to refine us, which is achieved by testing us through trials and affliction. Without these experiences, we will struggle to grow in Christ. Just like when I goto the gym, unless I push myself past the pain...I wont see the results.

None of this means that it is going to be easy as you go through the tests of your faith...but the encouraging fact is we have a loving Father who doesnt leave our side and wants to see us move into bigger and greater things....but we cannot reach these heights unless we grow in spiritual maturity and faith. So when the going gets tough...dont turn away or look for the easy route. Instead press on and trust God's plan and purpose for your life.

But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold. 
My feet have closely followed his steps; I have kept to his way without turning aside.
I have not departed from the commands of his lips; I have treasured the words of his mouth more than my daily bread.
(Job 23:10-12)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Saving the day!

We all love those suspenseful action movies where at the last minute the hero swoops in and saves the day! Even though we always know that the hero will come in at the last possible moment and defeat the bad guy, we still sit there on the edge of our seat in anticipation as to whether or not the bad guy will succeed!

But think of it a different way...would those movies be anywhere near as exciting if as soon as the bad guy commenced his evil scheme, the good guy comes strolling in and foils the plan? Of course not! There is no suspense in that situation and the heroes true potential is not seen, for he was able to save the day before anything dramatic began to unfold.

Life is not really to far different from this. We are like the damsel in distress and devil is the enemy. The enemy is constantly plotting ways to make us stumble and fall. As we find ourselves in these situations, we began to doubt whether we will make it out, if there is anyone out there that will save the day for us!

The awesome news is...we do have a hero! Jesus Christ our Savior! Time and time again He will come through for us at the vital time. Just like the hero in those action movies, God loves to come through for us in our hour of need and save the day.

There are so many example throughout the Bible where we hear of people who were in the midst of a significant trial, but at the crucial moment God came through for them. A really perfect example is from Daniel 3 where it speaks of "The Image of Gold and the Blazing Furnace". It tells us of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego who refused to bow down before King Nebuchadnezzar and as a result the were bound and thrown into a blazing furnace. But when they were thrown inside we hear the following remark from the King in verse 25 -
Look! I see four men walking around in the fire, unbound and unharmed, and the fourth looks like a son of the gods.
We see in this verse that at that vital moment, God was there and protected them from the furnace. He saved them! But as I mentioned before, God didnt come in when the three men were standing in front of the King, He came in when all hope looked lost, when it looked like it was game over for the boys! God will come through for us during the storm...not before.

We also learn that God doesn't shy away from the challenge but works miracles for those that love and follow Him. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego all loved God and refused to worship the King, and we see that God worked a miracle in their lives.

One of the points that stood out for me when pondering all this was just how much God loves us! God wants to show His amazing love for us, but He cannot do this if we live lives that are without difficulties, trials and pain. You may wish that God prevented anything going wrong in your life, but the reality is we would soon neglect the fact that we are in constant favor and would not fully appreciate how much God truly loves us. Basically, if we dont go through some periods of uncomfortableness, we wouldnt fully appreciate the blessings that God will pour out over our lives.

But some people will still argue this point, that they would appreciate God if the lived lives without trials or troubles. Well think about it like this...when I was in China, the gifts that I gave the children in the Welfare center were very simple, items such as basketballs, coloured pencils and colouring-in books. But with each of those gifts, the children were full of happiness, they were so grateful for each thing! Contrast that with if I was to give those items to you as a present...I think its safe to say that you would think they were all pretty poor, since we are used to living on a different level with higher standards and this means that we expect more.

At the end of the day, it comes down to the point that we are called to trust God and live lives of faith. We have been given the promise that our Lord will be with us no matter what we go through and we can trust in Him. I want to finish with a popular verse that I have used previously and is quite important to me when I go through times of trouble and difficulty.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. 
(Romans 8:28)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Battlefield of the Mind

Yeah yeah...I know thats the name of the Joyce Meyer book...Im not trying to claim the message of her book as my own. Rather I just wanted to share on the battle that is the mind!

How often to we think about situations, allow them to dwell in our minds until they end up looking much bigger and much more confronting than they really are in reality? How many hours have we spent stressing over situations only to find that when the time comes...there was really nothing that we needed to worry about in the first place?

But even after saying that...there are still situations in my mind that I allow myself to dwell on...even right now. I keep thinking and thinking...worrying and worrying...but what am I missing out on through all this? And even more significantly...what am I missing out on throughout all this?

Someone said to me recently...stop focusing on the negative aspects and instead enjoy the positive aspects. But we all know that its not that easy...I mean...its a big part of my life! But I making any progress by stressing over the point.

Sometimes I wish I could flip the switch, turn off all thoughts, allow myself to live blissfully ignorant. But again how am I going to am I going to experience life if I ignore what is going on in front of me.

Let my start by quoting the first piece of scripture for today...a very popular verse when it comes to trusting in God...Proverbs 3:5 -
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.
Personally I have had this piece of scripture literally thrown at me 100's of times...when Im struggling with a situation...a Godly person will bring out that verse. Unfortunately...a lot of the time I dont really allow the verse to sink in...I dont reflect on what is being said. So today I really wanted to look at this verse!

It says for us to trust in the Lord with all your heart! That equates to every situation, not just the ones that we are confident that we wont falter in. I think thats where I fall down...I trust God to come through...but primarily in the easy situations...the low risk...the ones where it doesnt matter if I dont get what the desired outcome. But thats not what we are told to do...we are told to trust the Lord with all our heart...and that means when the stakes are high! How can God truly work a miracle in my life if I only trust Him to come through in the insignificant times...such as asking God for no traffic on the way to work tomorrow? If there is traffic...its not ideal...but I will survive. No...I need to trust God in the big things!!

Next we are told to lean not on your own understanding. Another point I fall down on...for too many times I look at situations and try to work it out for myself. I try to reach the finish line entirely by my own strength and wisdom. But many times do I have to fail before I realise that I need God in everything I do? And look at it from the other point of view...we are called not to do it all by our own understanding...we have a loving God who wants to guide us...we dont have to do it all alone! God created the Heavens and the Earth, I think that's evidence enough that He knows what He is doing. Therefore why bother doing it by your own intelligence when we have God by our side to lean on for wisdom and guidance! Thats a really encouraging aspect to ponder!

The verse continues by advising us in all your ways acknowledge Him. This is important in relation to the last point, as we need to learn that everything we have is from our Lord. Therefore whether it be your skills at work or your skills in the area of all ways acknowledge God for what He has given you, acknowledge Him for the love He has showered on your life. Acknowledge Him in every situation that you encounter, for He is always there with you, no matter how dark it all seems around you. Thats something you must always remember and hold onto...God is always with you, guiding your path. This is why its so important that we always acknowledge Him. It may sound silly, but there are days when Im driving to work and I will turn off the radio and act as if God is sitting in the car next to me...this way I can ensure that no distractions are going on and I can spend my drive to work talking to God, praising God for all He is.

Finally the verse wraps up by telling us He shall direct your paths. When we trust Him 100%, when we lean on Him for understanding and when we acknowledge Him in every aspect of our life...He will light the path before us an act as our guide through the good times and the bad times. There will be times where the path becomes unclear, but when we trust God....the right path will be shown to us.

So back to my original point about the mind being a battlefield...I got a little off topic so I probably have to revisit this topic from a different view point. But basically we are going to hit trials and we are going to have to work through difficult circumstances. If we try to solve it all on our own, our mind will make a mess of the situations and we will end up causing more mess than we can handle. Thats why we need to trust God in all we do and He will be faithful to us in all our situations and circumstances

Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.
Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him and he will do this:
He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn, your vindication like the noonday sun.
Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him;
(Psalm 37:4-7)

Monday, December 20, 2010

Grade 5 and 6 Kid's Alive Program at Bridge Church

A bit over two years ago I came to Bridge Church in Richmond. I quickly realised that this was the church that I was looking for. Since moving back to Melbourne I had been attending a different church, but never felt like I really fitted in there...but at Bridge I felt the sense of home and strong emphasis on the word that I was looking for.

Initially I planned to join the Production in some capacity, since this was where I had been serving back at my church in Sydney. But due to commitments and life in general outside of church, I didnt actually get involved.

Towards the end of my first year at Bridge...I felt God calling me in a specific serve in a new space. I felt a new concern placed on my heart...and that focus was on kids. So I signed up for Kid's Alive and I was positioned within the SKA(Senior Kids Alive) group.

Now I wont first I was nervous! I wasnt sure I was up to the task and I just wasnt used to serving in the kind of position that was so people oriented. But I knew God had placed me in this position for a reason and who am I to turn my back on God's calling.

It was after a couple of months that I was informed that we would be forming two sections within SKA, first being grade 3 and 4 who would continue listening to a cut down message from one of the DKAL's. The other being the grade 5 and 6 children. These kids would be supplied with a daily devotional and a journal and encouraged to commence daily SOAP journalling. It was at this time I was also informed that I would be leading this new program...a bit of a shock considering I had only been there for a few months and didnt see myself as someone who has the potential to kickoff something like this....but as I always say....who am I to turn my back on God's calling.

So we got started...we taught the kids the steps to SOAP journalling... Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer. We encouraged them to take some time away from the TV or computer and give that time to God in order to complete the days devotional.

The results were pleasantly surprising! The children got to work with their journalling. While it would be difficult to expect everyone to complete everyday...there was a good amount of journalling being done by all the kids.

As we all got into the routine, we fell into a good rhythm where we would come together on the weekends and discuss a few select devotionals from the week. The discussions would start around the topic of the days scripture and related message, but there have been many times where the talk has moved on to other questions that the children pose, whether it be in relation to their daily lives or simply understanding a difficult message from the Bible.

While most of the kids wont realise it now, but this routine of completing a SOAP journal and reading a daily devotional, setting time aside each day to spend in God's presence away from the distractions of our daily lives, will ultimately set them up for the future.

It has also reinforced the importance of daily devotionals and doing a SOAP journal. There are times where we can read a devotional, but if we dont take the time to work through our observations and application, then a lot of the time the message will be in one ear and out the other. Sitting down and spending more time thinking about the message will ensure that we have the wisdom to deal with what life throws at us and assist us in our walk with Jesus Christ.

But one thing that has stood out most of all to me since I started this program is just how powerful some of the words are that come out of these kids mouths. When you hear some of the spiritual and Godly words that they share, it is a real encouragement that we have such awesome kids growing up in Kid's Alive, growing up in a strong relationship with Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Body weight exercises...making them even better! has been way too long since I have written a post about no better day than today!

Im a big fan of body weight exercises...I think that being able to do chinups and pullups unassisted is much more practical than being able to bicep curl 50kg+. Im always amazed whenever I watch the ballet and see some of the awesome moves they can perforn, just because they can lift their own body weight. It can be referred to as relative strength, where you compare your weight to strength... and the kind of people who are performing in the ballet or circus are sure to have an amazing relative strength ratio.

Recently I have made it a priority of mine to focus on body weight exercises more where possible.

Previously I was hopeless when it came to dips, I could barely do one unassisted. So I got to work...I did them and I did them again. When I was using the GVP program, I ensured Dips were part of it...which meant 10 sets of 10 repetitions super-setted with a bicep exercise. I didnt like triceps would whinge....but I pushed on. Now...I can do triceps unassisted...with additional weight hanging from the belt around my waste!

Chin-ups have been something I have been working on...and the results are showing. Previously...three sets of ten reps was a difficult task! So again I did them again and again...I worked on my back muscles through other exercises...and the work has paid off!! Im now doing chin ups with up to 15kg hanging from the belt!

Pull ups...I still struggle to do a solid number of sets without assistance...but every week Im edging working on the associated muscles through other exercises...and my goal is to be able to do three sets of ten reps in the near future!

But one thing you can be sure of...body weight exercises are not easy...especially when you first get into them. You will most definitely need to do them assisted...but dont let this make you feel ashamed. They are hard and that is exactly why you dont see many people actually doing them! Its much easier to stand in front of the mirror with a barbell and check yourself out while you are performing bicep curls than it is to do a solid set of unassisted dips!

But why do body weight exercises? Why is it so good? Well since I focused more on body weight exercises...I can honestly say my body has never looked better. I have dropped body fat, while putting on muscles mass. Im more toned and defined than I have been before. Body weight exercises are amazing...and no workout should go without some form of body weight exercise thrown in!

When you reach a point where your relative strength is hitting some quality levels...its then you can start to do some pretty amazing stuff in the gym!!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Looking forward to the 2011 AFL Season - part 2

In my first post I gave a bit of an overview of how I see us lining up next year. Now I want to put the spot light on a few players that will be ones to watch as well as the players who are on the edge of making the best 22.
 Players to watch in 2011

Marc Murphy

Unfortunately Murphy had limited preseason this year and this could be one of the main factors for a quieter year by his own standards. But in 2011 he will be hungry to make up for a low year and really stamp himself as one of the elite players in the AFL.
Murphy looked red hot in 2009 running forward of the center with the ball in hand and kicking at goal. This is what we need from him next season and with more rotations of players through the middle, we should definitely see him playing more in the forward.

Paul Bower
Our great hope or overhyped? He has played some awesome games, but 2010 saw him spend too much time on the sidelines with injuries. He needs to get his body right if he is going to lock down a spot in our defense going forward. This year we have taken a number of high potential defenders and if Bower doesnt stamp himself as a quality running defender...he may see himself wearing red more and more.

Andrew Walker
Almost traded away...I for one believe it would have been a big mistake to lose him! All you need to do is look at the final against the Swans...swung forward in the last quarter and almost won the game for us! It has been said he wasnt happy playing down back and prefers through the middle and up forward...exactly where I have always like to see him positioned...and not just for a few minutes here and Ratten likes to do! I believe that next year Walker will be wanting to make a big statement that he is a quality player and deserves a spot in our best 22!

Players that are on the edge

There are a number of players who will really need to show what they have got in order to hold on the spot on the list. These are all quality players...but they will need to take every opportunity by the scruff of the neck otherwise they face being thrown up for trade bait come end of 2011.

Mitch Robinson

This guy has the mongrel in him to do some real damage and I think he just needs to get some consistency into his game. This will come with more senior game time

David Ellard
Came in late last season and really showed he has some potential as an in and under player in the midfield. Finished the year on 7 games and will be a good inclusion when required.

Marcus Davies
Second year player who will be looking to cement his place in the side. Showed some nice stuff, despite struggling a little with the pace of the game. Will get better with experience after playing 5 games in 2010

2011 is looking very promising! The list is looking very good, there are no major injuries and the draw for season 2011 is very friendly! Bring it on!

How far would you go?

How far would you go for that special person in your life? Would you be willing to give it all up for that one special person? Would you be willing to spend all you money on that special person? Would you put your life on the line for that person that means it all to you?

I have been thinking about the person I am...the person I am becoming. I have contemplated the people who have influenced the person I am...for the better and the worst. I guess the people that you would say have had a high level of impact on my character would be my family...but beyond them...who else has had some say in the person I am?

I guess the second big influence would be the people who I have had intimate relationships with...and this brings me back to my original far would you go for that person? Would you give up your passions? Would you give up your dreams...just to make the person happy?

A recently relationship I was in saw me compromise my passions, the desires of my heart...I wanted to do what I could to make that person show her that I cared for her. But I guess under the circumstances I didnt clearly see how detrimental that was for me. God has placed visions in my heart and mind...but at the time I was neglecting based on the disapproval of one person. When we broke up...I was able to see that I was giving up what I wanted so that she could have what she wanted...but is that always a bad thing?

There are times when you need to compromise...i doubt anyone could or would disagree with that. There would be very very few relationships where the couple agree 100%...and I tend to feel that would be a bad thing...its in our differences that we grow around one another. But what happens when neither of you are right or wrong...but you both come to a different outcome? I think in this situation...the character of each person is really brought into the spotlight.

Some people may take the aggressive approach...not wanting to hear out the other person opinion...but rather reiterate their own approach.

Other people will take the passive approach...avoid confrontation...give into the other person in order to keep the harmony.

Some people will give the impression that they are understanding of the other persons point of view...but they will never really accept it.

Others will take on the manipulative approach, attempting to coax the other person into taking their own view, but make them feel like it was their own choice.

But what is the approach that I feel is the most healthy...the approach that will see the relationship flourish and grow stronger?

Firstly...respect! You must learn to respect the other person. When they come up with a difference of opinion...if you dont respect will dismiss it regardless of what they say.

Secondly you must listen! dont agree with them...that doesnt mean you cant allow them to vocalise their thoughts. I am the first to admit that I make mistakes...I make incorrect choices...I can come to incorrect conclusions. No matter how correct you think you are...there will be times when you are wrong...and that is why its so important that you listen to the other person. At the end of the day if you dont listen to the other person, but rather push your own opinion and you do end up being embarrassed will you feel! need to appreciate that its not all about you, and sometimes you need to put your wants aside in order to make the other person happy. Not everytime...but there will be times when even though you want something so need to put that aside in order to allow the other person to get their way. You may not feel good about it, but its in this kind of situation you are really demonstrating how important the other person is to giving up something that you wanted for them.

Turn it around the other do you feel when someone does something because they know that it will make you happy!

So to wrap up...i just wanted to say to that person who has gone out of their way to do special things for are the best! Thank you for all those times you have gone along with me...despite having no interest in those occasions at all...I will never forget you

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Why do we need to be critics?

Today I was sitting with a friend over dinner and the friend mentioned to me that they dont like food critics. When I enquired as to why, they explained people need not be so picky about the food, but rather enjoy the food, enjoy the company, enjoy the occasion. Later when I was driving home, I began pondering this and how I felt about it. It is true that I enjoy reading food blogs and restaurant reviews, but what exactly is it about these things that draw my attention. Personally its the introduction to new places, new restaurants to try, to enjoy. There are currently a number of places that Im yet to try but I eargerly await the opportunity!

But I also began thinking about how I live my life. Do I go through my life critique things without reason, looking for things that are wrong instead of enjoying what I have in front of me?

I know that when it comes to restaurants, it is not always about the food that draws me. Thats not to say that I would go back to a place that serves crap (eg. Won Ton House on Russell St), but I look beyond just the food alone. For I would prefer to goto a normal place with someone who was special to me, rather than an awesome place with someone I dont enjoy spending time with.

But there are things that I do get overly picky about...and recently I have noticed that these are the areas that I'm usually most unhappy in relation to. Why do I waste my time worrying about what is missing instead of enjoying what I have got! It could be all gone tomorrow, so why not enjoy today while it is still here.

Life is so short, why do I waste any of my time complaining? Even in the times that I feel down the most, there are still things that I can praise God for. I love gym, no matter how things get, no matter what people say to me or about me, gym will still be there...waiting for me. I love running and no matter how things are going at work...I know that all I need to do is throw on my runners and I can run as far as I like. I love reading and regardless of who is around, I can pull out a book and dive into the pages. All simple things...but at the end of the day I'm just a simple guy...

There have been times when I have thought to review restaurants, to review books or films, but ultimately I chose against it because I feel these things are there to be experienced. They way that I experience them may most likely be totally different to the way you experience them. So I rather not write restaurant reviews, but instead I will just suggest places that I have enjoyed.

Just like eating a coconut, there is a lot to a coconut that is inedible, but at the same time when you look in the center there is the delicious coconut juice and flesh which I enjoy, I will no longer focus on the pieces that I dont like, complaining about them. But instead Im going to look at the parts that I enjoy, the parts that I take pleasure in...whether it be at home, work, church or in relationships...

Monday, December 13, 2010

Breaking Through!

There are times at work where I will hit a wall, where I have a problem and no matter how long I spend looking at the issue, I just cant see to find a way to solve it! In fact in these situations, I usually find that I achieve nothing by continually looking at the problem, and instead I just get more and more frustrated! So its in times like this I take a walk...clear my mind...and come back at the problem from a different perspective....and more times than not I find that I hit the solution very quickly!

But unfortunately in life, when we hit rough times, the solution wont come as easily...and no matter how hard we try or what approach we take...things just don't seem to get any better. Its at this time that we need to realise that the real breakthroughs will only come when we rely completely on Jesus! Although this doesnt mean calling on our Lord as a last resort...but rather you call on Him because you know that without His touch on your situation...our own efforts are may feel as if we are swimming upstream.

So what exactly are the keys to achieving a miracle? How do we work dilligently knowing that Jesus will bring a breakthrough when all seems lost and we see no hope?

There is one story that is told in all four versions of the gospel and that is where we read of Jesus feeding the 5000. This miracle breakthrough was so powerful that it was recorded four times! The particular retelling that I am going to refer to is from Matthew 14:15-21. So what points can we draw from this?

In a remote place, God is there!

In verse 15 we hear the disciple say
“This is a remote place, and it’s already getting late. Send the crowds away, so they can go to the villages and buy themselves some food.”
Even though they were in a remote location that lacked the resources and supplies needed to support the people who were there...God was still there! But this can also be applied to us today, for there will be times when we feel totally alone, completely deserted and it is at this time we will feel that we are without hope...but we need not worry...for God is with us in these times and waiting to do a miracle in our lives!

When it's late, it's time for a breakthrough!

As we read in verse 15, the disciple was heard to say that it was "late". But what we must come to realise is that God is always on time. He is never late and never early. There will be times that we will wish that he came early, to rescue us before the going gets tough.

But it is in the tough situations that we really acknowledge Christs power in our lives. For if God was to come early, we may be prone to thinking that we were the cause of the breakthrough, that it was by our own strength. But Gods timing stops us from claiming the glory from Christ. We must be patient and realise it's all from God. Its all about God loves turning up at the right time so we know it's all from God!

God's breakthroughs involve God's servants

There are so many stories in the Bible where we hear of God's servants bringing about awesome breakthroughs. What this basically tells us is...We are God's answer! God doesnt intend to do it all alone, for we are called to be lights in the world. In Matthew 14 we hear God speak of this in verse 16 where He said:
Jesus replied, “They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.”
Jesus didn't intend to do the miracle, He called upon His disciples to step out in faith and provide the people with the food they needed. This is true today for us, we are not called to just live our lives, but rather be part of the bigger picture, to see breakthroughs in the lost world. People will come to Jesus through us! Amazing things will happen when we are humble and obedient to God's calling upon our lives!

Stepping out in faith, you will experience Gods grace

But the breakthrough wont just happen. We cant just say that we believe God will make a way. But rather we must step out and be obedient in faith. For it is when we take that step that God's blessings will come upon our lives. As we see in Matthew 14, the people who offered up what little food they had took a step of faith, the disciples who brought the food before Jesus despite how hopeless the situation appeared took a step of faith. It is through these steps of faith we see God's grace pour out on the the situations! We must soon as we step out, the breakthrough will take place!

You can only give what you have!

How often do we attempt to be the savior for the whole world? How often do we attempt to take the whole weight of the world on our shoulders? We must realise this is not our calling...we are not called to be God. We are only called to give what we have. We see this in the story, people gave what they have, and through those steps of faith and believeing in Jesus, God was able to multiply the food to feed all the people who were in attendance, a breakthrough was made!

We also see this in Acts 3 where we hear the story of where Peter Heals a Lame Beggar. In verse 6 it reads:

Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.”
This is a perfect picture of how a breakthrough will me made where we only give what we have! Peter didnt have anything fancy to give the beggar, but what he did have to give was exactly what the man needed...and we see an amazing breakthrough in that the man was able to walk! This applies to us today, we are only called to give what we have to give...whether its in our homes, our workplace or in our area of ministry.

I pray that if you are currently going through a trial, that you will read these keys and be encouraged, walk in faith and trust the Jesus will bring about a breakthrough when we trust in Him and live according to His awesome plan in our lives!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Looking forward to the 2011 AFL Season

Its time to mix things up and post about my other love...the Carlton footy club!

We have completed the trade period and all that is left between now and round 1 2011 is a big preseason! The list is basically finalised, so I thought I would take this opportunity to present my best 22 and predicted line up for round 1 2011 against the Tigers.

I thought I would start with my previous best 22 and then my current best 22

This was my best 22 after round 8 this year:


Basically all those players are still on the list with the exception of big Sammy Jacobs who was offloaded to Adelaide.

So looking towards next year, this is my lineup


Comparing the two, there aren't a lot of differences. I guess the big thing these days is that there a lot of fringe players pushing hard for selection...which is a good thing...but will no doubt create countless headaches for the selection committee!

Looking at each line, I will give a bit of justification around my selections:


This will be the first pre-season where big Michael Jamison will go through fully fit. Sometimes we underplay his value down back...but with each season we see this man develop more and more....even to the point that some will make claim for him as a future captain. But for the time being he continues to control the troops down back and he is excellent at shutting down the big forwards.

Armfield is continuing to improve his disposal and is not afraid to run and carry the ball...which is what we love to see coming out of defense. Hoping to see another solid year of improvement. Russell coming second in the B&F underlines his skill and potential and if Bower can get his body right should provide a good running option coming out of defense!

The only controversial pick here would have to be White on the flank, but prior to his season ending injury this year, showed he has great potential playing as a tall defender despite only being 190cm tall. But he will need to continue to work hard in order to keep his spot with a lot of young players pushing hard to make the team!


With the substitute rule changes coming into effect next season, the midfield will no doubt see a lot more rotation with players going down forward to get a bit of rest instead of going to the bench as we have seen in recent times.

I think the recruitment of a lot of solid defenders will free up Gibbs to play primarily in the midfield or at the minimum of the half back line. But in all honesty...I would love to see him more forward of the center, he has shown that he has great potential as a goal kicking midfielder.

2010 saw Simpson continue to show his value to the team and his run along the wing is awesome to watch! It has been hinted that Judd will spend more time in the forward half, but no matter where he is know his impact will be phenomenal. Murphy will need to step up in 2011, after having limited pre-season preparation this year, he failed to make a significant impact, but his potential is high and I'm sure he will be looking for a big year!

The other thing that excited this year was the form of big Robbie Warnock. After missing all of 2009 after crossing from Freo, there were big concerns he wouldnt make it and we had wasted our time picking him up. Boy did he prove us wrong! Not only is he an amazing tap ruckman, but his agility and ability to goal is awesome for a man that towers at 206cm! In combination with big Matty Kreuzer who will be hungry after his knee recontruction...our ruck team will be stronger than ever!


Everyone predicted that we wouldnt be able to score with out the big #25...did we show them wrong! Not only did we score...we scored the 5th highest total for the year despite finishing 8th on the ladder. The most excitement came in combination of three small boys...Betts, Gartlett and Yarran! Watching them carve up St Kilda back in round 7 was just bliss to watch.

The other excitement came in the form of Henderson who showed despite his young age...has amazing potential and will no doubt hold down the CHF or FF position for years to come! And last but not least...big Waite. Despite playing a lot of his career down back, his ability to mark and goal is vital if we are going to make that last day in September in the coming years!


Brock McLean...was it injuries or is he just not good enough? There has been a lot of talk of the fact he went too hard too early this year and that prematurely ended his year. Im still clinging to the hope that it is true and with better preparation 2011 will be his year!

Kane Lucas is a definite starter and was very unlucky to do his hamstring this year, but will no doubt be fired up for 2011!

Finally Houlihan...I would have to say he was in career best form until he was also stuck down with injury. His ability to play as a defensive forward was crucial and his ability was highlighted against Melbourne where he basically had the game won before quarter time!

Thats it for my first look ahead to 2011....I will probably write again in relation to the up and coming players who are just on the fringe of getting in and will no doubt be breathing down the neck of those in the side!

2011...cant wait!!!

These days...

I was listening to the Powderfinger song "These Days" before and it got me thinking about my life...the current state of things.

One of the lines is "These days turned out nothing like I had planned"...and I thought has my life turned out how I planned? I mean when i was younger, I never envisioned that I would be working in IT, but then again I never imagined I would be a Christian either.

We get so wrapped up in trying to control everything, get everything that we think we need...but do we really know what we need?

Recently I have been a bit frustrated by things...but when I look at it...are things really that bad? Actually I think they are realistically really good! Thats not to say that there are no areas that need work, but overall I think that the place that Im currently in is a good one. I complain about things...but at the end of the day...I have all I really need!

Things may not turn out how I like...but I know that the big guy is taking care of like the saying says "short term pain...long term gain"!

I guess I just want to take the opportunity to give God the praise...that despite how our emotions have us feeling, no matter what the world throws at me...He always takes care of me and ensure I have everything I need.

Oh yeah and...He gave me donuts... =)

Monday, December 6, 2010

How lucky I am

I was driving to work this morning and I was listening to some praise and worship and I felt something stand out to did God's love come to me?

Over the journey, I have made some many mistakes, I have hurt God in many ways due to my lack of respect and selfish nature. But as I continue to surround myself with Gods word and His people...I hope that I can become more like the man that God intended me to be.

But despite all this God loves me. Despite the fact that in the big scheme of nothing more than a single grain of sand amongst all the beaches of the world...God still send His only son to die for me. Despite that fact that there are many people out there with much bigger and greater needs than me...God is always there willing to listen...longing for my company...longing for that one one one time with me.

I have done nothing to deserve God's love...but the truth is...none of us can or have done anything to warrant the love that God pours out on daily. Where other people may love us for a season...God's love is unconventional and everlasting.

As I go through December and the Christmas period, there are going to be a lot of distractions...but daily I will make a conscious effort to stop and just thank God for all that He. His love is all we need!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Free to Fail

A topic that has been on my mind quite a bit recently was touched on at church on Saturday night, with Ps Angelo speaking about how failure is simply a part of life. If you had preached something of this nature to me 5+ years ago...I would have been very uncomfortable and maybe even thought it was total rubbish! But experiences (and failures) have taught me that we are ultimately free to failure...its just part of the road that leads to success!

Some people live such timid and unexciting lives. They aren't adventurous, they don't want to move out of their comfort zone, they are simply content doing the same things each and every day. But this is not the type of lives we are called to live...for God has called us to lead exciting lives, to lead extraordinary lives!

I know that for along time I led a very safe existence. I was to fearful of failure, I needed everything to be perfect. But this ultimately meant that I played the percentages and didnt do anything even slightly out of the norm! How boring a tale this was turning into! But looking over the past few years, I see some of the great works that God has done in me...where in the past I would ensure that I crossed every "t" and dotted every "i" before commencing something new...these days Im beginning to be a little more daring.

Someone said to me that I "live my life like Im reading it from a book". I guess that was true. I guess I was reacting to past experiences. We all know that the world we live in does not reward failures....its almost relentless in its quest for the best and success. But when we are condemned by the ideals of this world, we need not get discouraged...for our heavenly Father sees the hearts of people. He gives us a second chance.

I think through life experiences I have come to realise that in many situations "temporary failure" leads to "long term success". I am by no means the kind of guy that gets things right first time. Be it in my work, to cooking, to relationships...there is one thing Im good at and that is making mistakes. But I have come to acknowledge that it is in my failures that Gods power is made even more evident to me! It is when I fall that he picks me up...It is where I have lack of knowledge that he gives me the wisdom I need. I know that by my own strength I can achieve nothing...I just make mistakes. But when I allow God to take hold of my situations...its here that I see amazing things being to unfold!

One of the biggest weapons the enemy has is the fear of failure. There will be times when we initially succeed...things are going well...we are taking risks...but then we start to hit some of our goals...we begin playing it safe and trying to protect the things we do have. We must not try to maintain things...for God has called us for bigger and better things...not to stay the same!

Failure is just part of the success process. Its like the door closes, another door will open. But one of the big problems is when we fail, we begin to second guess ourselves, and in someways we are beginning to second guess God. I know there are situations that Im going through right now that I feel unsure about, I have my concerns that I will fail...but there is one line that is running through my head...our God never fails!

One of the rules we need to apply in our lives is the condition that when God calls us, no matter what we feel or think...we just have to do it anyway! It says in Hebrews 11:6 the following -
But without faith it is impossible to please and be satisfactory to Him. For whoever would come near to God must [necessarily] believe that God exists and that He is the rewarder of those who earnestly and diligently seek Him [out].
We must learn to live by faith and follow God where he calls us. We must act diligently and seek Him out in all situations. Ultimately when we allow God to guide and we live according to his amazing plans, things just being to succeed in ways that we never before felt possible, just as we read in Romans 8:28 -
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
I hope this has come as an encouragement and if there were situations where you were holding back based on fear of failure, you will now approach the situation with a new found boldness. That you will allow the holy spirit to guide you. That you will trust the Lord, no matter what path He takes you down. I know there are situations that Im going through where I continually question God as to where He is taking me and how it relates to the end goal...but I hold firm to His word...for our God never fails!