Monday, December 13, 2010

Breaking Through!

There are times at work where I will hit a wall, where I have a problem and no matter how long I spend looking at the issue, I just cant see to find a way to solve it! In fact in these situations, I usually find that I achieve nothing by continually looking at the problem, and instead I just get more and more frustrated! So its in times like this I take a walk...clear my mind...and come back at the problem from a different perspective....and more times than not I find that I hit the solution very quickly!

But unfortunately in life, when we hit rough times, the solution wont come as easily...and no matter how hard we try or what approach we take...things just don't seem to get any better. Its at this time that we need to realise that the real breakthroughs will only come when we rely completely on Jesus! Although this doesnt mean calling on our Lord as a last resort...but rather you call on Him because you know that without His touch on your situation...our own efforts are may feel as if we are swimming upstream.

So what exactly are the keys to achieving a miracle? How do we work dilligently knowing that Jesus will bring a breakthrough when all seems lost and we see no hope?

There is one story that is told in all four versions of the gospel and that is where we read of Jesus feeding the 5000. This miracle breakthrough was so powerful that it was recorded four times! The particular retelling that I am going to refer to is from Matthew 14:15-21. So what points can we draw from this?

In a remote place, God is there!

In verse 15 we hear the disciple say
“This is a remote place, and it’s already getting late. Send the crowds away, so they can go to the villages and buy themselves some food.”
Even though they were in a remote location that lacked the resources and supplies needed to support the people who were there...God was still there! But this can also be applied to us today, for there will be times when we feel totally alone, completely deserted and it is at this time we will feel that we are without hope...but we need not worry...for God is with us in these times and waiting to do a miracle in our lives!

When it's late, it's time for a breakthrough!

As we read in verse 15, the disciple was heard to say that it was "late". But what we must come to realise is that God is always on time. He is never late and never early. There will be times that we will wish that he came early, to rescue us before the going gets tough.

But it is in the tough situations that we really acknowledge Christs power in our lives. For if God was to come early, we may be prone to thinking that we were the cause of the breakthrough, that it was by our own strength. But Gods timing stops us from claiming the glory from Christ. We must be patient and realise it's all from God. Its all about God loves turning up at the right time so we know it's all from God!

God's breakthroughs involve God's servants

There are so many stories in the Bible where we hear of God's servants bringing about awesome breakthroughs. What this basically tells us is...We are God's answer! God doesnt intend to do it all alone, for we are called to be lights in the world. In Matthew 14 we hear God speak of this in verse 16 where He said:
Jesus replied, “They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.”
Jesus didn't intend to do the miracle, He called upon His disciples to step out in faith and provide the people with the food they needed. This is true today for us, we are not called to just live our lives, but rather be part of the bigger picture, to see breakthroughs in the lost world. People will come to Jesus through us! Amazing things will happen when we are humble and obedient to God's calling upon our lives!

Stepping out in faith, you will experience Gods grace

But the breakthrough wont just happen. We cant just say that we believe God will make a way. But rather we must step out and be obedient in faith. For it is when we take that step that God's blessings will come upon our lives. As we see in Matthew 14, the people who offered up what little food they had took a step of faith, the disciples who brought the food before Jesus despite how hopeless the situation appeared took a step of faith. It is through these steps of faith we see God's grace pour out on the the situations! We must soon as we step out, the breakthrough will take place!

You can only give what you have!

How often do we attempt to be the savior for the whole world? How often do we attempt to take the whole weight of the world on our shoulders? We must realise this is not our calling...we are not called to be God. We are only called to give what we have. We see this in the story, people gave what they have, and through those steps of faith and believeing in Jesus, God was able to multiply the food to feed all the people who were in attendance, a breakthrough was made!

We also see this in Acts 3 where we hear the story of where Peter Heals a Lame Beggar. In verse 6 it reads:

Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.”
This is a perfect picture of how a breakthrough will me made where we only give what we have! Peter didnt have anything fancy to give the beggar, but what he did have to give was exactly what the man needed...and we see an amazing breakthrough in that the man was able to walk! This applies to us today, we are only called to give what we have to give...whether its in our homes, our workplace or in our area of ministry.

I pray that if you are currently going through a trial, that you will read these keys and be encouraged, walk in faith and trust the Jesus will bring about a breakthrough when we trust in Him and live according to His awesome plan in our lives!

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