Monday, December 6, 2010

How lucky I am

I was driving to work this morning and I was listening to some praise and worship and I felt something stand out to did God's love come to me?

Over the journey, I have made some many mistakes, I have hurt God in many ways due to my lack of respect and selfish nature. But as I continue to surround myself with Gods word and His people...I hope that I can become more like the man that God intended me to be.

But despite all this God loves me. Despite the fact that in the big scheme of nothing more than a single grain of sand amongst all the beaches of the world...God still send His only son to die for me. Despite that fact that there are many people out there with much bigger and greater needs than me...God is always there willing to listen...longing for my company...longing for that one one one time with me.

I have done nothing to deserve God's love...but the truth is...none of us can or have done anything to warrant the love that God pours out on daily. Where other people may love us for a season...God's love is unconventional and everlasting.

As I go through December and the Christmas period, there are going to be a lot of distractions...but daily I will make a conscious effort to stop and just thank God for all that He. His love is all we need!

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