Saturday, May 21, 2011

How far back can you go?

Some people have amazing memories, they can remember the most tiny detail about an event which happened many many years ago. On the other hand, there are those kind of people who wouldnt remember your name unless you have known them for a few years. I guess I would be more inclined to place myself in first category, although there are times where I slide close to the second category as well.

I always like to reminisce about my earliest memory - it was the day my sister was born. That makes me two years old (and 8 months). I was staying at my grandparents house, we were up early as was there way. It was a bright morning, I remember sitting in the kitchen and the sun was shining onto the dinner table. As I sat there, the phone rang and I distinctly remember looking up at the clock on the wall.

But more generally speaking...I guess we only really remember those things that are important to us. I mean how many people who you are not overly fond of, would you remember their Birthdays? Or how much information do you remember from those long and boring classes on History from High School?

So I guess when someone does remember you, something about you, something that is important to really highlights the fact that you most mean something to them. Unfortunately remembering someones Birthday isnt so significant anymore...with things like Facebook giving us endless reminders of whose Birthday it is today. But there are things that we do which really highlight who is and isnt important to us....and one of the biggest things we can do is prayer. To remember someone in prayer, to ask God to help someone in their time of need is one of most powerful, actually it is the most powerful thing you can do for someone else. Just look at the letters written by Paul in the New Testament, how many times does he ask the churches to keep him in their prayers!

So I guess my point at the end of all this is to never forget how significant the power of prayer is, in particular when you are asking God to take care of someone who is important to you.


Anonymous said...

Remember something is not only about memory, but the efforts you putting into someone or something, I think.

Anonymous said...

What an interesting question. Unfortunately my earliest memory isn't a pleasent one. I would have been 4 at the time and I remeber sitting at the dinner table with my mother and brother waiting for my father to come home. He walked in and stood at his place at the table, picked up the plate of food in front of him and threw it at the wall. He had probably been drinking as he did most days of the week and obviously wasn't happy with what had been put in front of him.
I can honestly say I don't have a lot of happy memories from my early childhood. I was the eldest of three in a very disfunctional family and always felt responsible for what was going on around me. When my father left when I was 10, it was a huge relief for me. Although the following years were very tough there was no constant tension.
We are all put on this earth to remember certain things and people who are most important to us. We can't be everything to everyone, but we can be very special to a few. It doesn't take a lot to tell someone you are thinking of them - especially with todays technology.
It does take effort and some times it is one sided, but in the long run, that effort is worth it.