Friday, May 13, 2011

What do you see?

Ill address the fact that I have been MIA some other time. I just wanted to share something that was on my heart tonight as I was driving home. Actually its something that I have been dealing with quite a lot in recent times.

On Monday night I was at the football to see Carlton take on the Saints. At the game, the excitement was amazing...the intensity was extreme...especially in the dying minutes where the Saints fought back to take the lead, before Andrew Walker marked and goaled to win the game for the Blues by 3 points! I was literally shaking as Walkers goal slice through...and when the final siren went 90 seconds later...I was on my feet cheering like you wouldnt believe. By the time I left the stadium, my voice was gone...but I was on a huge high! Carlton had won against a team who has played in the last 2 grand finals, they are one loss after seven rounds and have a solid position in the top four.

But as I drove home from the game, listening to talk back radio discuss the game, I was surprised to hear how many Carlton supporters were ringing up to complain about the performance of the Carlton players during the game. Now im not saying there isnt room for improvement, there were a huge number of skill errors throughout the game...but the fact is in the end Carlton won despite being totally out on their feet! There I was...super excited and thrilled with the win...and there other fans were...not happy about the game because we should have won by more. Two groups, one situation, two different views.

Last month I completed the Run for the Kids. Around the 6km mark, a woman darted in front of me, slowed down, causing me to jump out of the way and subsequently I rolled my ankle. Now the run was about 14km...I was barely halfway and I was really concerned I would have to pull out there and then. But I just pushed on, hoping the pain would go away. It luckily did and I was able to finish the run, although once I stopped at the end and headed home, the pain in my ankle was extreme! Now at the end of the run, I could have just focused on my injury and the woman that was the cause. Or I could celebrate the fact I was able to finish the run sucessfully. 

The point im trying to make is, no matter what your situation is, there is always two ways you can look at it...and the way you see the situation will ultimately dictate how you carry yourself going forward. We must never neglect the awesome things that God has done and is doing in our lives. If we are only focused on what we dont have and what we feel hasnt gone right, we are missing out on so much more, so many great things that God is doing!

Just because something doesnt arrive today, doesnt mean that it wont arrive tomorrow. Just because God doesnt answer your prayer today, doesnt mean he isnt listening and working in your life! God hears every word we speak, every word we pray. So in all things we should rejoice in knowing that God continues to work for those who love Him.

So I just pray that you will be encouraged to take this line next time you feel yourself beginning to focus on the negatives of your situation. When things begin to take the tougher road, just give thanks to God knowing He is by your side and will ultimately lead you to bigger and better things if you continue to follow Him!

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 
(1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)


Anonymous said...

Footy is a competitive and exciting game. You will never know the end till the last minute. Just like No 1 Andrew Walker's last golden kick beats St Kilda heart, which makes him become the hero of Carlton on that night,but def not saint's one...

But no point to critise either team, cause they all tried their best to make the victory. That is the point. Try your best and leave the answer to GOD. But I guess, sometimes, Luck is important as well-p

And Jus, You did so well in running for the kids event! Especially you still finished the running at pretty good pace after that incident and heaps of muscle cramps on that day. So Well done, Jus!

While seeing the slogan like" Running for xxx, missing you heaps!.....", or running with people young and old, fit and physically challenged, or thinking about 1.4 million$$ raised for the kids on that day. And YOU are the part of the team and means so much to those kids with medical conditions.

Everyone can make a difference, that is the force of many!

A good attitude makes a good life. We all need to pull ourself out of the situation some time, and think at different angle. That does make life different and beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Really like the point you made in this post. It is inspirational and encouraging!