Monday, May 30, 2011

The start of something big...

Well last week the big announcement was made at Connect Group. For anyone who spent 2 seconds thinking about it would have known that it was of course that we were multiplying. We have been meeting as a group of approximately 30 people for a few months now and it was becoming an increasingly pressing issue that we needed to multiply. In the state we were in, it just wasnt feasible to provide the necessary support to the entire group, people were not confident sharing and it was increasingly turning into a weekly social gathering, rather than the opportunity to come together as a small group and feed on the word of God, encouraging each other as we do it.

Of course with the multiplication of a group, a new leader was required. I am excited to say that I have been given the amazing responsibility of leading the new connect group. Truly I am excited about what God has in store for us and it is my prayer that God will use me as his vessel to bring about awesome things for the group and most of all the kingdom of God.

When I really think about it...I never saw myself as a Connect Group leader. I was always content attending, being involved in the discussion, sometimes leading the word...but for the most part just being part of the group. To be honest...I am not the most confident of public speakers...but this is an area I really feel that God is working on developing within me.

I fully appreciate that this commitment is no small task. It will require me to be much more diligent with my time, my priorities need to be kept in order...but most of all I must continually check my order to ensure that throughout this journey my intentions are all for God, that I never forget that I cannot do this by my own strength alone and that what I am working towards is for Gods glory and not my own.

I felt this was highlighted while I was reading 1 Samuel recently. Here we see Saul given the position of ruler of Israel, but he does not follow Gods calling, he does not work for Gods glory, but instead he seeks his own glory and follows his own way. Ultimately the blessings of God are taken from him, for he was disobedient and selfish in his desires. He did not seek God first, he did not follow the callings God had placed on him and most of all God was not the center of his heart! This is not the path I want to fall down...for in all things I do, I want to seek the glory of God and celebrate what we have the opportunity to do.

So as I take on this opportunity, I ask that you pray for me, that I would be a wise leader and sensitive to the needs of the group. I feel very grateful that I have been asked to lead the new group and I do not take this responsibility lightly. But I know its going to be great!!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Justin. Your peers must be confident in your ability and dedication to your faith. I have no doubt that you will lead with the passion and sensitivity required.

Anonymous said...

I really can tell the compassion you have for the connection group through the way while you talking about it, and all the efforts you putting into the new family. GOD choose you for a special reason. We all pray for you and your new connection group, we pray give your widsom and knowledge to lead the new family. You can do it very well, Jus!:-)