Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Will we see a big finish?

Last year it was around this time that everything was going great! I felt that every area of my life was going well and I was headed to a fantastic finish to a wonderful year. What could go wrong? All I could think about was how well things would turn out.

Then things started to fall apart. You could say "the wheels suddenly fell off". All those things that I was riding home, all those elements that were bringing me joy, they all started to head in the opposite direction. What was I doing wrong? What mistakes was I making? Why did I deserve all this?

In the end...2010 really didnt end well for me. Ultimately it meant that I started 2011 in a really low state. I held little hope for the year ahead, I didnt have much confidence in my ability to get back on my feet...basically I had lost all hope.

Fast forward to the end of September and looking back I can see there have been a lot of ups and downs these past 9 months. Even more exciting is what is in store for the remaining 3 months. I honestly believe that God has everything under control...as long as we submit to Him and live according to His will. It is when we live as He intended that we live in the fullness of His blessings...even if we dont realise it or acknowledge it!

Im not going to just ride out the remainder of the year and hope for the best...Im going to get cracking and do my very best with the remaining time I have in this year.

I thank God for each and everyday...I pray that you open up doors of opportunity and bring countless instances across my path where I can serve you and demonstrate your love in this work.

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