Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Oh Canada! Day 12

Today was an early start since I wanted to be on Skype early to call back home...so it was a nice 6:30am start for me...but it was worth it.

After a bit of skyping...it was time to grab some breakfast...today it was Cora's again. One thing I had missed last time was the chance to try the blueberry pancakes...but I wasnt going to let that go for too long...so it was Cora's again for breakfast today! And I have to say...the pancakes were awesome...although I did finish off half the jug of syrup in the process...but i know you would do the same time if you were me =P

After breakfast it was time for the Hockey Hall of Fame! Now I am by no means a hockey fan...but after today's adventure...I definitely am a lot more interested! Today's weather was heating up quickly so I made the trek down to the location as fast as possible and made my way in ..but not before downing a strong coffee on the way.

The Hall of Fame is basically an interactive history lesson in the world of Ice Hockey...with some games thrown in for fun =) Firstly I suited up for a bit of shooting action where I managed to score 3 out 5 shots...not bad for a beginner. Basically the way it works is, you are shooting at a wall where they have a projected image of a goal keeper and you have to try and score against him.

Secondly I suited up for a bit of goal keeper action...and this was my time to shine. The way this one works is you suit up with the gear...stand in the goals and there are about 6-7 holes in a wall which has a video projected on it. The video shows players approaching with the puck and then they shoot and where they shoot from...that hole in the wall will fire a puck at you...and of course you have to do your best to save it...and of course skill prevailed and I save 5 from 5 shots...but I know your not surprised =)

After a bit more browsing around the venue, including sighting the coveted Stanley Cup, it was time to head onto the next location. Now since the temperature outside felt like it was closing in on 40 degrees...I decided the next stop would be another air conditioned location...the Royal Ontario Museum. Of course this decision was made easier by the fact that the subway would take me directly there...minimising the time I would need to spend outdoors and in the killer heat.

Now the ROM is massive...it goes on forever...but there are some totally amazing exhibits there. The main ones that stood out for me were the Dinosaurs and the Terracotta Warriors. I ended up spending close to three and half hours, but it was definitely time well spent!


I ended the day with dinner in Toronto's Chinatown and some Taro milk tea to wash it all down =) Good times!

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