Thursday, August 12, 2010

What will I miss?

One week to go till Im off to Canada...but due the busyness of the last few weeks, I havent really had the chance to get too excited just doubt come Monday morning it will start to sink in that I will be holidaying on the otherside of the world come the end of the week!!

As I have been preparing for the trip (well not really...just pretending to prepare...what do I really need to do apart from throw a bunch of clothes in a suitcase and get on the plane?) I have been thinking about the things Im going to miss while Im away.

Of course the normal ones are friends and family...then there is gym and footy (Im going to miss 3 weeks of footy!!! Already feel like crying...but at least I have scoped out a few places I can watch the games from while in Canada). But two things that I know that I can easily take for granted at times is the church.

This doesnt just include the ability of going to church on a Sunday...or Saturday. I mean the church family as a whole. There are those people I serve with, a great group of people who have amazing hearts for the children of Bridge Church...Im truly thankful to God that He has given me the amazing opportunity to serve amongst people who have such loving hearts after God. But also just the opportunity to share with the children that come into church every week...they are all such beautiful kids and I know that missing the opportunity to serve in Kid's Alive while away is something I will be wanting to get back to as soon as I get back.

Another group are the friends that I see on a weekly basis, be it before or after the service, or even those I catch up with during the week. The ones that are there to encourage me when the going gets tough, the ones who I can count on when I'm in need of Godly council.

But most of all...I'm going to miss my Connect Group. Although I have only been in this group for a few months...I feel that God has brought me into such a loving and caring CG. Each person in the group brings something special and you can see God doing amazing things in their lives. Generally I'm not the most outgoing person, but after joining this CG I found it very easy to share from early on. As we have gone through Deeper over the past couple of weeks, its been a fantastic opportunity to grow closer as a group and a family. One of the things I always look for in a connect group is the feeling of family...and that's definitely one of the great things about the group I'm in.

They are such a warm group of people and Im going to miss them while away in Canada...and Im sure they will miss me...I mean who wouldnt miss such an awesome person like me =P

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