Friday, August 6, 2010

What have I been doing in the gym lately?

Well anyone who knows me would be aware that I have a small interest in all things related to gym, working out and just generally keeping fit and healthy! Since I got back into the gym after recovering from surgery, my hunger has not slowed down...and if anything Im working harder and smarter than i was before!

Last week I had my body fat percentage tested and I was pleasantly suprised to see that my % was down at 9%. As a general rule, most athletes are between 5-10% body fat. While this is a good result, I can always do Im aiming for 8%...which ultimately means no more Bubble tea..and limited sweets (its impossible to kick cake out completely)

Over the past couple of months I have also started a new training method. It is often referred to as German Volume Training, due to its roots in Germany. Basically this method requires you to do 10 sets of 10 reps with minimal rest between sets. For me, I have been doing a superset (two exercises back to back with no rest between), for ten sets.

An example of this would be:

Bench Press (50kg 10 x 10) + Lat Pull down (52kg 10 x 10) = 10 sets of 20 reps
Seated Flys (20kg 10 x 3) + Bent over row (25kg 10 x 3) = 3 sets of 20 reps

On the surface, the workout doesnt appear to be overly complex, but the difficulty comes in the form of the stress you put your body under for the long period of time. But that ultimately leads to awesome muscle gains in short periods of time!

But a couple notes about this training approach...for the 10 sets you need to keep the weight constant. That means that you are not going to be doing the same weight you would be doing if you were only doing 3 sets of 10 reps. For the first 2-3 sets of the 10 you are doing, you may not feel you are really stretching yourself...but rest assured once you hit the half way mark...the weight will be felt! Also the rest between each superset should be approx 45-60 seconds.

Well I'm looking to do this method for another 2 it will be interesting to see how I feel afterwards and what gains I have experienced.

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