Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Back on the road again

Tonight I went for my first run in two weeks...yeah I know it sounds like I have been slacking...but its actually been due to two reason...the first week I didnt run because I was down with a horrible cough and fever...the second week I didnt run because of course I was in Singapore. But now with about 46 days left till my Run for the Kids effort in April. So despite the fact its amazingly cold...that was one poor effort Summer...I threw on my shorts and one of the new singlets I bought while shopping in Singapore last week...and I hit the road again....

(actually this is a shot of the running shoes I have been using for the past year and half....really good quality running shoes!)

In the past I would usually take the time Im out there running as a chance to clear my head, reflect on the goings on of the day...or just ponder someone that is stuck in my head. There was another period where I actually used my running time to memorise Bible verses...as strange as it sounds...it actually worked quite well.

But lately...to be honest...I have been thinking about absolutely nothing. I get out there on the track...pump up my playlist of the day on my iPod...and just run. There will be moments where my mind will wake up...but its usually for nothing more than to decide if I feel energized enough to take the long route today.

The funny thing is...Im really hitting some good times out there...today I averaged just under 14km/hour for my 6km effort. Maybe its because Im not allowing myself to be distracted....rather all my energy is going into getting myself through the run. All my focus is going directly into pushing myself to the limits.

But it makes me wonder at the same time...am I just pushing myself hard to keep myself occupied? To keep my mind distracted?

Whatever it is...if I can keep this effort up until the run...and I can post a decent time as part of the run...I will be pretty impressed with the efforts and I will use it as a springboard into my preparation for the real event this year....the Melbourne Marathon!!


Unknown said...

I think thinking about nothing sounds fantastic. I wish I could find something to shut my mind off. It is so tiring when you are constantly thinking about everything.

Anonymous said...

I think running a marathon is easy, but doing all the training and getting there is the hard part. I did 11.4 km trainning yesterday under poor health condition,so many moments I want to quit, but eventually I finished the whole run. On the way walking back home,I feel great because I did not quit.Pain is temporary, it may last a minite, a hour, a day, a month, even a year.But eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. And I know if I quit, it will last forever. Keep running, it is amazing thing to do for the kids! And the most important thing to learn is that enjoy the journey!