Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Mission 2012 - Week Two Begins

Entry Ten of my China blog:
Day Ten…Monday morning, we commence a full week at the center

The morning is as per usual, all the kids march down to the room which holds the Piano. This is music time for them and its something I find majority of the kids really respond to quite well. It commences with the teacher playing the guitar for the children and they sing and clap along. After about 5-6 songs we move into a time of dance, where we join hands and form a circle then dance to a number of different songs. A lot of fun and a lot of laughing. 

It was during this time where I came across one little girl in particular. I vaguely remeber her from my last trip and she usually sits off to the side and is not too involved in the activity. So it was during this time I invited her to join in the dancing, but she automatically wanted to be picked up. As I scooped her up with one arm, while trying to keep dancing with the kids at the same time, Elsie informed me that the carers had told her this girl really likes to hug…and I soon discovered that for myself. She put her arms around me and would not let go. Its time like this I begin to reflect on how truly fortunate I am. It might sound like a broken record…but I have been blessed with so much…much more than I deserve. Simple things like a hug…we can take it for granted. While this little girl had her arms wrapped tightly around me, it underlined the fact that these kids only want to be loved…nothing more. They never did anything wrong, they never hurt anyone. While this girl isnt exactly in the area Im assigned to, I felt God had brought her into my path for a reason. I hope that during my time in Sanmenxia I can make a difference in her life, show her the love of God.

(Unfortunately there were no photos taken of this little girl...one of the disadvantages with not being able to take photos ourself within the center)

After dancing, it was back to the main room, where we sat the kids down and went through a basic lesson with them. Today was "square", "circle" and "triangle". The kids were then tested to see if they could differentiate between the shapes when given pictures at random. Before we knew it, lunch time was upon us and it was time to go for lunch.

Same place for lunch, but we finished just after 1pm which gave us just under an hour to rest up before going back to the center…much needed rest time!!

We got back to the center just after 2pm and the afternoons activity was…OUTDOORS! Now remember its winter in China and the temperatures have been in the minus region more often than not! But outdoors we went…and first activity once we got out in the courtyard was…running laps! While this is easy enough on its own…when you have a child who is tired and doesnt want to run anymore holding your hand…meaning you have to carry them…while still running…you soon get pretty tired!

After running, it was time for ball games and other team exercises. This was honestly so much fun. Being able to see the joy on their faces as we played various games with them. This is what they should be doing more often….this is what the deserve. 

Back inside, we were all a little tired from all the running around, so once back inside it was a chance to take rest and the TV was turned on. While this isnt used too frequently, it is a good option every now and then as it gives everyone a bit of a chance to relax. 

Before we knew it, it was time to go for dinner. The days in the center truly fly by so quickly! Tonights dinner selection…Hot Pot! Luckily it was right around the corner from our hotel, which made it super convenient.

Another amazing day at the center in Sanmenxia. So much fun and so many laughs!

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