Monday, March 19, 2012

Mission 2012 - Back to Beijing

Entry three of my China blog:
Day three begins a little slower as we dont need to race off too early…but that didnt stop two members of the group rising at 5am!! It was around 9am when we ventured out of the room to grab some breakfast before heading off to the train station to travel out to see more of the city.

Today was freezing…and when we got off the train we were really smashed by the sheer coldness that Tianjin had on offer. Here we checked out the local market which was majority populated with expensive rip-offs of expensive brands! Purdey actually saw a rip off of the glasses I had just bought back in Melbourne which were going for almost the same price I had bought the real ones for!! Insane!

After trying a few bits of pieces from the street vendors it was off to lunch at a well known lunch venue (we like to eat well if you didnt notice). This place was quite interesting in that you goto one area of the venue where they have live sea animals awaiting the lucky opportunity to be eaten by me!

 After selecting a variety of things…most of which I had never tried…it was back to the table to await the various sea creatures appearance on our plates! Deliciousness followed and it was just another meal that we left totally stuffed.

Afterwards we ventured back to the city to catch the train back to Beijing. Fighting the craziness at the station, we boarded our train and we were heading back to Beijing at around 300km/hr again. Upon arrival, we decided to do things a little differently. Untill now we had taxi-ed it everywhere…but this time we were going to subway-it! Competing with the crowds, we eventually made it back to our hotel and prepared for dinner…Sichuan food!!

Now I like to try new foods at the best of times…but something about Frog really had a me a little concerned. Dont get me wrong…Ill try anything…but green just is not the colour I like my food to be! Despite this…Elsie highly recommended that we order Frog…so thats what we did….and MAN was it spicy. My lips tingle even now thinking about it!

Dinner was wrapped up in just under and hour and we were headed back to the hotel in amazingly cold winds. We couldnt get back to the hotel fast enough!! But when we did get back…we were all ready to hit the bed…!

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