Saturday, May 8, 2010

Mission trip 2010 - part 3

Tuesday 6th April

Our first day in the Welfare Center. The day started as per normal, prayer meeting, then breakfast at the hotel. Then we were off to the center for our first morning there. The drive to the center was quite surreal, and as we arrived my first thought was "God please guide me".

The center is smaller than I expected and in quite a dirty and dusty location. We were at first given a brief tour of the center, so we could see the different areas and the possible groups we could choose to serve in for our time in Sanmenxia. First we were shown the Special Education group which spends most of their time in a classroom. Then we were shown to the courtyard area where there are children who are unable to do any schooling, but are physically able to do simple games and activities. As we entered the area where the courtyard children were walking around, a few of the children came up to us and wanted hugs or just tried to talk to us. We were shown to the infants and toddlers area where some of the girls held the babies for a while, others were happy just to watch and take it all in. Lastly we went up to the second floor of the center where there are the more disabled children. This was where it got harder...especially when I saw one boy KangKang, who has a problem with his head which causes it to swell quite large. He cannot walk and was strapped to a potty. He was also held in a room all alone. But despite the horrible conditions, as I walked past the room, he looked at me and then gave me the most amazing smile! Despite such horrible conditions, he still has a joyful outlook.

After touring through the various areas, we were taken to the meeting room where we were given the opportunity to choose the area that we felt best suited us. I really was of the mind that God would use me in the area that least people choose. I knew that most of the females on the trip would choose the infants and toddlers, and the other areas had people choose them also...and in my heart I could feel God talking to me and drawing me towards the courtyard area children. So this was the area that I choose, along with one Canadian guy named Kevin, the Australian lady Vivienne and the Irish lady Lisa.

After all this we headed out to get some lunch. It was a welcome relief after an emotional morning seeing the children and their conditions for the first time. We had lunch back at the hotel which consisted of a set meal. After lunch we have around and hour and a half to relax or do what we like. I went for a walk with Anni and Jenny in the hope of finding a massage place =) Although we didnt find anything, we did find a few cake shops which were great!

After the break we headed back to the Welfare Center for the first session with the children. We decided to start things off with ball games and coloring in. From the outset, there was children that I felt attached to, children that I could feel God drawing me towards. Over the next few posts I will share individual situations which really stood out and touched me.

Around dinner time we packed up and headed off for dinner. We went to a Congee restaurant which was quite good.
After dinner we headed back to the hotel and had our praise and worship meeting. These meetings were really great as they gave us a chance to come together as a team in the evening for a time of worship and prayer after each day at the center.

After the meeting, we were all pretty exhausted so it was time for bed. This concluded our first day in the center

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