Monday, January 4, 2010

Your choice regarding Jesus - part 4

I have been talking in some detail about why Jesus came and the significance of His life. I now want to move more towards you and your relationship with Jesus or how you regard Jesus Christ.

There will come a day when we all stand before God and are held accountable for our lives. We will be accountable for our actions and our decisions. That's why it is so vital that you make your choice now, God is not looking for people who are sitting on the fence. But unfortunately people make up countless excuses as to why they dont accept Jesus into their lives. I wanted to start by looking at these.

I have no need for God
Some people go through their lives believing they have it all, that they are content in their situation. But what they fail to realise is that the greatest need is not to be happy or content, but rather forgiveness. Without forgiveness, noone will make it into heaven because although God is our loving father, he is also a righteous judge. Therefore as I have mentioned before, we are accountable for our actions and unless the wager for our sin has been paid (the blood of Jesus), then we will not make it into heaven.

We dont want to give up our life
Sometimes there are things in our lives that we hold onto so tightly. We would do anything not to give them up. Sometimes these are things that we know we should give up, but we cannot do it. These are what I referred to as our addictions. When God calls us to give these things up, its not because he doesnt want us to be happy, its actually the opposite. He loves us, he only wants us to give up things that are harmful to us. Just like when a parent stops a child playing with something dangerous, its not that the parent wants to stop the child from having fun, but the parent loves the child and doesnt want to see them get hurt. We must also realise that what we are asked to give up is nothing in comparison to the great promises that await us. And finally what we give up here on earth is nothing compared to what Jesus gave up on the cross for us.

I'm not good enough
None of us are perfect. We have all sinned at some stage during our lives. But this is the reason Jesus came. He made it possible for us to be reconciled with our creator, to be forgiven for our mistakes. So no matter how much of a mess we make of our lives, we can live with the assurance that we are forgiven if we ask for forgiveness and repent of our mistakes.

I will not be able to keep it up
It's true that we are bound to make mistakes, none of us are perfect and we are continually learning. But that is why we have been given the Holy Spirit to dwell within us, so that he can guide us and strengthen us when we are weak. The Holy Spirit gives us the power to keep on going as Christians.

I'll do it later
This is probably what people hear the most. But ultimately it only gets harder and harder to accept Jesus. And you are only stopping yourself from receiving the great promises of Jesus Christ the longer you put it off.

So what do you have to do then? If you have come to the point where you believe that you need forgiveness,  you no longer want to go on living a life only for yourself, but you want to begin living for Jesus, there are a few things you need to do. To receive His great salvation, you must first accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour by asking Him to forgive you of your sins. But this must be done with a sincere and apologetic heart. Its not complicated, you just need to bow your head and just ask Jesus for forgiveness, acknowledging your mistakes and that you no longer wish to live for yourself, but for the Lords purpose in your life. Its that easy and as it says in 1 John 1:9
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

But what do you do then? First of all...tell someone! Every time someone gives their life to God, the angels in heaven rejoice! Just as the angels in heaven are celebrating your decision, I would also be so happy to hear that you have given made the choice to life for God. Another vital step is to get involved in a church. This journey with Christ is not meant to be done alone. Also you need to get a Bible and read it...daily! Finally and probably most important is to start speaking to God every day. Pray to Him and this doesn't have to be only at night, you can praise Him continually throughout the day, thanking Him for all the great things He has done in your life!

Well I hope these posts have given you some good points. Maybe your not yet ready to give your life to Christ, but I really want to encourage you to at least start attending a church. Im by no means a great writer, but I know that there are many awesome pastors out there and they would love to meet you and speak to you. So if you need help finding a church to attend, contact me and I can direct you in the path of a good church that is close to you.

Finally remember 1 John 4:15-
If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in him and he in God.

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