Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Love of God

This week is crazy busy...but I feel by posting about Christ, I receive a timeout from my work. In God I receive comfort despite the busyness that is going on around me. Despite the troubles that are before me, I trust in the Lord and know that He will be with me each day.

Todays post focuses on one of key elements in the Bible...the Love of God. You could write 1000 posts on this and still have only scratched the surface. Sometimes in life we make mistakes, mistakes that cause people close to us to change their feelings for us...but with God, no matter how much we mess up, our Lord always loves us. But do we truly understand the love of God?

Jesus lived a life where He stood out, He lived a perfect life despite what the circumstances He faced. After we give our life to Christ, a time will come in each of our lives to stand up for Christ. Paul says in Ephesians 4:1 -
As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.
We have a calling in life and that is to live for Christ, He has set us free from the sin of our past and loved us even when were still away from Him. But as I always say, we must have an intimate relationship with God, we must know His will.

But in order to understand the desires of God's heart, we have to imitate His actions. But how can you imitate someones actions if we know nothing about them? We need to spend time in prayer, for this is actually Gods be intimate with us! Through this we will come to understand His will even more and learn the purpose He has for our lives. If we are to stand out for God, we must have a heart after only God.

We may have a great knowledge of God, but it is possible to still not have a heart after God's heart, we dont share His heart's desires. Therefore we must know the love of God, we must imitate God and walk in love. But this will all come from experiencing and acknowledging God's great love. The love of God will get us moving! The love of God will have us continually on fire!

But when we grow cold for God, it will feel as if God has left us. Ephesians 4:17-19 talks of this -
So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their thinking. 18They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts. 19Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, with a continual lust for more.
But the good news is that when we are on fire for God, great things will happen. Unfortunately many Christians today are living no differently to the way they were before they were saved. Then they wonder why they dont see God moving in their lives, they questions God's love. But they ignore the fact that we are called to be different!

To know what we are to do, we must be intimate with God each and everyday!
  1. Imitate God
  2. Possess Integrity
  3. Love One Another
  4. We Must Be Unified!


Lilly said...

I was wondering whether God would love group A or group B more? Group A: Those people believe in him, but they often make mistakes. Group B: Those people do not believe in him, but they seldom make mistakes.

Jus@Melb said...

God doesnt distinguish. He loves us all, no matter if we are in group A or group B.

But the problem is about God's blessing and pouring out His promises. If someone doesnt profess that Jesus is their saviour, God is unable to bless them pour out His promises into their lives. But once we accept Jesus into our lives, we open the door to God's blessing in our lives. Even if we then make many mistakes, as long as we stil have a heart after God's heart and ask for forgiveness with a repentant heart, we will always be right with God.

The fact that God doesnt distinguish is shown in Luke 15:11-32. I suggest you have read and you will see how even when we make the biggest mistakes, God is "always" waiting for us to come back to Him...He loves us so much!