Wednesday, December 23, 2009

End of year update...

Well this month has gone a bit crazy. There I was blogging away happily on a regular basis, when "BAM!" I got smacked with 5 different projects at work...simultaneously! Well thats my excuse for blogging at bare minimum over the past couple of weeks. But finally things are starting to slow down again...back to the way I like things.

I guess its time to start reflecting over the past years, what I have learned, the good and bad parts and what are my plans for 2010...

So starting tomorrow till the end of this year I will discuss the year that was 2009 for me...

1 comment:

Lilly said...

Hope you had a very merry time yesterday. :)

What have I learned? I learned I can be lonely in the company of others and wholly entertained by my lonesome self.

Sometimes I feel that the longer I live, the less I know what I want.

Life is confusing...