Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Love of my life

I disappeared...I have taken some time away to think...but I now have a few notes to share. The past month has had its share of ups and downs, you could say its been a lot like a roller-coaster. But throughout the process I have kept one thing constant, and that is my focus on my heavenly Father.

Anyway...enough of an introduction, I wanted to share on a topic that has been on my mind quite a bit over the past month...hopefully it wont turn into a load of nonsense...hopefully it will be coherent...hopefully it will be of some value to you.

Love, romance, intimacy...those feelings when you hold someone close that is dear to you. These are feelings a lot of us long for...myself included. I have had relationships in the past, but in the end it hasn't worked or I have messed it up. But that hasn't stopped me looking for that special someone.

We all long for intimacy, that assurance that we have someone who will never fail us, who will be there for us anytime and anyplace. We chase after that person who will be there when we need them.

We long for understanding, for someone who knows what we have been through, but also knows how we felt during those times. When we are mad we want that person to understand why we are mad, when we are happy, we want that person to ride the wave with us.

We desire someone who wont judge us, no matter what we say, what we reveal or how we react to different situations.

We look for that person who wont change, but at the same time someone who we wont grow tired of. We search for that person who will grow with us over the journey.

We dont want to be smothered in the relationship, but rather we look for someone who will help us achieve our goals, to reach for the stars as they matter how unachievable those goals are.

But ultimately we just look for that perfect fit for the person we are. The one who will never leave us, never hurt us, the one who will always satisfy us, who will always be faithful...who will always love us for who we are.

But how many of us can realistically say that we believe that person will come along into our lives and be all those things for us and more?

The reality is no one person on this Earth can fit this bill exactly, not even close. But there is one who can fit all these things perfectly...our loving God in Heaven!

You might think of this as an might say "so that means I am going to be alone then?" or "so i need to settle for someone who is less than perfect?"
Im not saying those things, for while no one can ever fit the perfect mould of God, our loving Father never planned for us to be alone as we saw with Adam and Eve. That is why God will place people into our lives, people that he has planned to be part of our lives.

 But before we start looking for that Mr or Mrs Right...we need to ensure that our hearts focus is first and foremost on God. God is the only one who can fit our desires perfectly, but if our heart is focus shifts we are setting ourselves up for failure!

So what is the key to success in the relationship? Well I should start by saying my success rate for relationships is currently take my words with a grain of salt.

But as I look over the failures, I try to learn from my mistakes. But in the end I think that the success of any relationship remains the same, whether it be between you and your boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife or God.

When we are in a relationship with someone, we need to give our all for that person and accept that person for who they are and what they have...which includes both the good and the bad. The perfect example of this is our relationship with Jesus Christ, our savior. He loves us despite our inequities, for He takes our sin upon Himself. So basically we get His blessings, His grace, His perfect nature and in return He takes our sin, our wickedness, our mistakes. Doesnt really sound fair, but when you love accept them for who they are and what they have, whether they have $1,000,000 or only $1.

Another thing that comes into play is the issue of compromise. What are you willing to give up for that person that you love, whether it be God or your boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife? Are you willing to give up those things that you are attracted to, those things that you enjoy, even the things that are harmless? At the end of the day, what is more important? And what is too much to compromise?

In the end, although God has made us so that we can find that right person, that one that will love us...that person is never meant to take the attention from God. Our central focus must always remain on God, our creator, our Father in heaven. God is the only one who can truly satisfy all our desires, all our needs and we must realise how much God truly loves us...we need look no further than the simple fact that He gave His only son for us!

A few points I want to expand a bit more...maybe even share some of my experiences...but I think I have rambled enough for tonight.

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