Monday, November 15, 2010

We are truly free!

Last week we were lucky enough to have a guest speaker at church by the name of Lisa McInnes-Smith come and speak to us. She is a well known public speaker and it was quite encouraging to hear what she had to share with us over the weekend. This week we had our senior pastor deliver the word...and as anyone who has ever been to Bridge Church before will know...Ps David Doery is an awesome man of God, and when he takes to the stage, you just know that he is going to bring the powerful word of God with him!

Despite the fact we had two different people speak at church in the last fortnight, there was one point that came through from both of them, and that is the point that "we are free". You might think you already know that, but how free do you really think you are? How easily are you affected by what others think of you when you stand out from the crowd? I know this is something that I think about at times when it comes to Kid's Alive. Serving in the kids ministry, you need to step forward and not let the thoughts of others have any bearing on your actions.

But when I talk about the point that we are free, im talking about more than the fact that we are free from what others think. When we give our life to Christ, to put it simply...we are free from the sin that has bound us in the past. We are no longer restricted by these things, they no longer have a hold on our lives

Has there ever been a time when you have made a mistake in your life, where you have hurt someone who is important to you? Have they been so hurt that they have said to you something along the lines of that they would "never forgive you"?  That they could never forget what you did? Personally I find this is one of the most heartbreaking circumstances, extremely difficult positions to be in. Its at times like this that we feel hopeless, that there is nothing that we can do, that no matter what we say or do...we have hurt the person that much that they have completely turned their backs on us.

But you know the funny thing...the one that we have hurt the most...more than any person in our lives on our Savior in heaven...Christ Jesus. For he gave His life for us...but we continue to turn our backs on Him, to ignore Him and ultimately hurt His feelings. But no matter what we say or do, no matter how many times we make the same mistakes...He will always be there waiting for us with open arms. I really pray that you ponder that point...just like there is nothing you can do to make God love you, there is nothing that you can do that will stop our God from loving you.

I know that when I ponder this...I realise firstly how great it is that despite our mistakes in the past we are free and not bound by our past. But secondly I cant help but just praise Jesus for how great His love is for us! Words truly cannot express how much I want to praise Jesus from the roof and thank Him for all He has done and basically how much He loves me! Knowing this, we can walk forward boldly...for nothing holds us back...we are truly free!

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