Friday, November 26, 2010

Different perspectives

I like to think I have a good understanding of what is going on around me. I like to think that I understand those people who are important to me and who I spend my time with. But what I think is going through there mind and what is truly playing out in their minds can be quite different.

Is this worthy of a blog post? We will soon find out =P

I think one of the easiest mistakes that anyone can make with another person is to assume. Whether it be assume how the person is feeling, how they will react or what they want to do...assuming will inevitably lead to troubles.

There have been times where I have thought I was pretty good at knowing how people will react and then I have tried to act according to the way that will make that person happy...but is this the best way to act?

Recently I have discovered that no matter what you matter how you is sometimes best to just let situations unfold and not try to predict the ending. Just keep it simple! I have a habit...a bad habit some might say...of wanting everything to be perfect. While not entirely a bad thing, it does have its disadvantages...but I am slowly but surely learning to allow things to fall the way they will fall and not getting too caught up in the outcome. In the past I was always overly concerned that I would regret the outcome if it wasnt as I expected...but I now realise that if I continue to act like this, there will be things that I miss out on in the aftermath due to my attitude and actions resulting from the initial poor result.

Does this have any biblical significance? I believe it a subtle way. I have given my life to God, each day I immerse myself in His words in various ways and I continually strive to serve in His kingdom. Through these things, I am continually strengthening my biblical principles, the values I live by...and most of all...i am becoming more Christ like. It is through all this that my focus shifts from things that are whether the outcome is things which are significant...such as seeing those people close to me find Jesus before its too late. It is when we are close to Christ Jesus that we can clearly see...for He is the light of our lives!

So to wrap things up...I think we need to take a step back sometimes and just let things pan out the way the will. This is in no way saying that we should become complacent and/or lazy...quite the opposite. We must be prepared, we can do the setup and the hard work along the way...but in the long as we have put in our best, there is nothing more that we can do than sit back and enjoy the results.

There will be times where we have given the situation our very best, 110% of our strength and effort, but in the end the situation has failed, fallen apart. Its at times like this we may begin to doubt ourselves, did we put in enough effort, have I truly done all I can do? But this is the times that I encourage you to allow things finish the way they do. For I truly believe that when we life for Jesus, when we apply His words in our lives, its in these situations where we need not be concerned by the outcomes, for our Lord has our prayers in his hands and wants to see us happy and filled with joy. This means when things dont work out, we just pick ourselves up, smile...and praise God for all He has done and all He will continue to do in our lives!


Unknown said...

There is a very significant person in your life that assumes you don't want him in your life. I pray this isn't the case. He misses you terribly.

Jus@Melb said...

Would you care to elaborate?