Sunday, November 22, 2009

End of my break...

Well tomorrow I'm heading back to work. Although the shoulder is still restricted to a sling which means one handed typing for at least another 2-3 weeks minimum, Im getting quite bored at home....need some of that social interaction.

Its been two and a half weeks since I went in for surgery and while the shoulder is progressively getting better, there is still quite a long way to go before I can get back into the gym and doing those kind of things I love.

But one of the positives to come out of this has been the chance to really slow things down, take time to reflect and assess things in my life. This is probably something a lot of people dont do enough. We get so wrapped up in our busy lifestyles, we don't take time to just relax and think about things.

Another thing about being stuck at home and not being able to get out is you are pretty much cut off from your social life in many aspects. At first this did feel quite lonely, but this also highlighted something else....the fact that I was lacking intimacy in my relationship with God. One of the dangers of developing a busy lifestyle is you may begin to start depriving yourself of time in His presence.  We lose that intimate feeling we have when we draw close to Him, when we spend time in His word. But we must not forget  the eternal truth that God desires an intimate relationship with you and I, just as it says in Exodus -

"For He is a God who is passionate about His relationship with you" (Exodus 34:14)
 So despite how busy we get in life, we should never neglect time with God, for it is written -
"Draw near to God and He will draw near to you" (James 4:8)
What an awesome promise that is! But I myself have been guilty of not drawing close to God, but rather looking more to relationships with "man". I was making myself too busy, and all the noise was preventing me from hearing the clear messages that God has been trying to speak to me. But over the past few weeks, I have spent time immersed in God's word, and feel His presence with me and as strong and clear as ever. The loneliness I initially felt was replaced with rejoice in the intimate relationship I have with God, I spent time drawing nearer to God.

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