Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sunday workout...back and abs and good form

Well this morning i was still recovering from my big session on Friday, so the only body part that I could do a solid session with was my legs...

Lately I have been doing a huge amount of exercises in the area of Back Squats and current max for Deadlift is at 180 todays workout looked as follows:
  1. Back Squat (8x60kg, 8x90kg, 8x90kg, 8x90kg)
  2. Barbell Lunge (3 sets of 20x40kg)
  3. Straight Leg Deadlifts (3 sets of 10x70kg)
  4. Calf Raise (3 sets of 10x106kg)
  5. Machine Leg Curls (3 sets of 8x67kg)
  6. Hanging Leg Raises (3 sets of 15 reps)
  7. Reverse Crunches (3 sets of 10)
  8. Jackknife (3 sets of 12)
This brings me to the big point I like to reiterate...its is extremely beneficial knowing exactly what muscle areas you are working with each exercise. Its not until you full understand this that you can focus on engaging these muscles when doing the exercise. This was something i was guilty of in the past and not knowing this information can lead to poor form and ultimately injuries.

An example of this is with Back Squats: when the weight gets harder, you maybe inclined to squat with your heels off the floor...this is a big No No!! This puts stress on your knees & impairs stability. You need to learn to take the weight through your body and this starts with pushing through your heels.

So its important to make sure you understand the proper method of doing the exercise and ensure you actually do the exercise with good form in every rep. As soon as your form deteriorates you need to stop before you injure yourself.

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