Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Mondays workout and exercises for fat loss

Last night i was back in the gym after my intense legs session on Sunday. I focused on upper body last night, in particular back and shoulders...my workout looked like this:

  1. Chinups
  2. Incline BB Bench Press
  3. Seated Shoulder Press
  4. Seated Cable Pull Down
  5. Bent over BB Row
  6. BB Bicep Curl
  7. Cable Rows
  8. Hanging Leg Raise
  9. Jackknife
Unfortunately things on my mind distracted me towards the end of the session so I failed to belt out a full set of Jackknifes, but I was still feeling pretty good after the Hanging Leg Raises

But this brings me to a post I read on JCD Fitness about 3 Exercises For Ultimate Fat Loss and it really resonated with me...

Basically the JC talks about the abundance of sites out there that claim they have the "BEST" workout for losing weight...but in actual fact they are all talk rubbish!

There are some key compound exercises that you should be doing regularly (Squats, Deadlift, Bench Press...) but doing these alone will have no impact your fat...if they did, all those massive guys in the gym would be totally ripped...but they arent! And thats because the thing that will ensure you lose fat is your DIET!! Simple isnt it...create a calorie deficit and you will burn the fat...by doing these exercises! People can try out all these wonderful workouts all day long, but if they dont monitor what they eat, it will have little effect.

Looking at my own personal experiences...for a long period i was doing a high level of cardio and a number of workout sessions per week...but there was little change in my physique! When I finally woke up to the fact i was just wasting my time, I started watching what i ate, in particular around my workouts. I started planning my workouts in a way I would be working in the most efficiently and not just going to the gym for the sake of it. I cut out sweets and oily foods, and increased my intake of fruit, vegetables and lean meats. It wasnt easy by any means...but you know what...I started to see some serious results! I was seeing weekly gains in my lifts and my cardio was improving also. And the key indication of my progress - at the start of the year my body fat % was above 12.5% ...now its just above 9%. That didnt come from only doing Squats and Deadlifts though.

So hopefully people will remember this next time they see an article titled "Best workout for losing stomach fat"...the workout is only as good as your diet!

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