Tuesday, April 27, 2010

What would I change?

As I returned to the hotel on my final night in Hong Kong, I contemplated the past 3 weeks and would I do things any differently. What would I change given the chance?

The time I have spent in china and Hong Kong has been amazing. I cannot possibly count how much God has blessed me. God has guided me, directed me and most of all taught me a great deal through this trip. He also blessed me with a large number of wonderful new friends, who I am sure will still be part of my life long after I return to Melbourne and they are back in their respective countries.

I always believed that God has a plan and purpose for each of us and if we allow Him to guide us, we can do incredible things. Over the 2 weeks in Sanmenxia, God was able to use me for things I never imagined possible. But most of all He was able to use me to pour out His love on the beautiful children in Sanmenxia.

Before the trip I tried to prevent myself having a lot of expectations on the trip. Of course I had basic expectations of God using me in the way He intends to. But apart from that I was open to what God would do with me, where He would lead me. I have always been one to plan things out entirely. But this trip I was more flexible, I committed things into the Lords hands. Looking back, I see how amazing our Lord truly is to those that are faithful.

The people I got to spend this period with were all amazing people. They all contributed something special, something unique to the team. I remember each and every person and there is not one person I didn't share at least one special moment with, a moment that will stick in my memory. Probably my biggest concern prior to the trip was the group of people I would be serving with, culture clashes & related issues. But I truly feel overall we worked so well together as a team. I like to think of us all like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, while we were all different in shape, we all came together and made something amazing.

But that does lead to some sadness now as I return home. There were certain people who I formed much closer relationships with. When I remember these people I feel a sadness knowing I cannot see them as easily, I can't share moments with them as easily. I am a person who doesn't like forming a large number of shallow relationships, I prefer less, but stronger and more intimate relationships. This is where I know I will need to work hard to ensure I don't lose these relationships, no matter how far apart we are physically.

But where I can contact the other members of the team, be it through Phone, Internet or Mail, I don't have that same access with the children from the welfare center. I know in the coming weeks and months, more and more I will miss those beautiful children. Over the past few days, at different points I will recall different moments with different children, be it playing a game, reading a book or just giving one of them a hug. Even thinking about those special moments now brings tears to my eyes.

So getting back to my original point, what would I change...I don't think I would change anything. Maybe over the coming weeks as i reflect more, i will think of changes i could have made. There are small things i would do in addition to my preparation for this trip, for example ask for donations from people at home. But I feel that as long as you prepare yourself emotionally and physically for God to use you, you go with an open heart and a joyful smile, you were be a blessing to the children.

The only thing I need to do before my next trip is study mandarin more diligently in the lead up to the trip, but hopefully my passion to return next year will drive me to study hard!


Lilly said...

Good to know you had a meaningful and enjoyable trip in China! Keep up the good work!

Last month you asked me a Q about change. I have a new answer: The only thing that is constant in life is change. Everyone can change for the better as long as he or she wants.

Shen the developer said...

you look cool in that cool car!